為了優化資訊資源投資,讓企業開始思考導入開源軟體的可能;但從總持有成本(Total Cost of Ownership, TCO)角度觀之,如欲讓開源軟體發揮價值,有關導入後的管理維運成本管控將成為關鍵。
爰此,本研究針對經常為企業使用的開源伺服器負載平衡方案為標的,針對管理操作優化暨關鍵參數調校課題,參考快速應用程式開發(Rapid Application Development, RAD)的概念設計並找出相關需要之管理參數,據以進行管理操作介面實作,再透過測試環境及比照實際情境的模擬場域進行功能測試與驗證。
To ensure the value of an investment in information technology (IT), firms are forced to include open source software for deploying their new IT applications. How-ever, studies have cautioned that unless the maintenance and operation costs of open sources can be efficiently managed, the open sources can barely be utilized from the perspective of the total cost of ownership (TCO).
Consequently, to help resolve the aforementioned challenge, this thesis selected server load balancing as the research target and aimed to demonstrate a method for reducing the maintenance and operation costs of open sources through the conduction of a systemic review, use of grouping parameters, and development of a graphical management interface. The overall research design is based on the principles of rapid application development, whereas the feasibility of examination is determined using a two-stage test. This study proposes a system prototype and its corresponding approach and details their development.
Our results reveal that the proposed prototype has a positive influence on adoption willingness and the maintenance and operation efficiency of open source–based solutions for firms because it simplifies the entire operation progress with the help of a parameter-driven operation user interface. Moreover, the TCO is expected to be lower by eliminating the required operation time and the required quality level of operation staff.