本論文主要以18世紀古典樂派的奧地利作曲家海頓(Franz Joseph Haydn,1732-1809)於西元1763-¬67年間所創作的《第一號C大調大提琴協奏曲》(改編給低音提琴版本)作為研究題材。
This paper will focus on the Haydn Cello Concerto in C major No.1 (Double bass and Piano Version), composed between 1763-67 by 18th Century Australian composer of the Classical period, Joseph Haydn.
This research will be separated into four chapters along with an appendix. The first chapter will be the introduction with section one explaining the research motive and section two stating the research purpose and method, and the third section will be composing background. The second chapter will be an analysis of the structure of Haydn Cello Concerto in C major No.1 (Double bass and Piano Version). The first section will be an analysis of the first movement and music, the second section will be an analysis of the second movement and music, and the third section will be an analysis of the third movement and music. The third chapter will focus on the rearrangement and interpretation of Haydn Cello Concerto in C major No.1 (Double bass and Piano Version). The first section will be about the rearrangement and interpretation of the first movement, the second section will be about the rearrangement and interpretation of the second movement, and the third section will be the rearrangement and interpretation of the third movement. The fourth chapter will be the conclusion and an organization of this paper's research results with an attachment of the rearranged sheet music.