為呼應前述課題,本論文延伸Malhotra et al.(2013)提出分析架構,針對62篇聚焦此領域的臺灣博碩士論文進行內容分析,研究結果發現︰(1)相關論文的演進脈絡與Malhotra et al.針對國外研究的情況類似;(2)相關論文已有一定比例的論文聚焦特定的資訊科技或系統進行研析,且有效呼應整個資訊系統和科技的發展脈絡;以及(3)綠色資訊科技的內涵及研究仍處於相對概念和萌芽期的階段,且多聚焦個案與解決方案的微觀觀點下之驗證與分析層次,對於更深層的設計和影響層次之著墨相對較少,致IT for green的重要性與內涵尚未被有效凸顯。基於前述發現,所衍生的意涵與建議,則進一步於文末進行研提。
Concerns regarding environmental issues have been growing, which in turn have triggered the growth of Green information technology (IT). However, relatively few studies have contributed to this field and have assessed the current developments in this field.
Considering the aforementioned issues, this thesis presents a systematic review of 62 Taiwanese theses on Green IT to gain a better understanding of the Green IT field between 2001 and 2018 through content analysis based on the extended framework from Malhotra et al. (2013). Our findings can be summarized as follows: (1) the evolutionary path of Taiwanese theses on Green IT is similar to that suggested by Malhotra et al.; (2) several theses have focused on linking Green IT with sustainability; and (3) the current themes and focus of Green IT theses are still in the early stages, with their focus on case-based, solution-oriented, micro-level-driven analysis and less attention to the design and impact level. On the basis of the findings, implications are drawn at the end of this thesis.