The exploration of geothermal resource in Taiwan can be traced back to the 1970s. A 3-MWe geothermal energy power plant was installed in Chingshui Geothermal Field, Ilan of Taiwan in 1981. The geothermal energy power plant of Chingshui Geothermal Field is one of few geothermal fields of low grade metamorphic rock in the world. The majority of bedrocks are argillites, slate and meta-sandstone. We have systematically analyzed samples taken in Tuchang-Chingshui Geothermal field, of the region to understand the spatial distribution of mineral assemblages under the influence of alterations by using XRD. The recognition of alteration mineral zoning can help identify hydrothermal fluid channel ways. We have found the existence of smectite and mix-layer of clay minerals, a typical product of hydrothermal alteration. It could further provide the linkage between mineral assemblages with geothermal activities and could be served as indicators, particularly in low grade metamorphic regions.