電影<西便制>於1993 年上映時便成功擄獲各階層觀眾的心,當時更在韓國電影史上締造了最多觀影人次的佳績,這意味著電影中所傳達的情緒普遍引起了韓國人的共鳴,本電影以韓國傳統藝術‘清唱(판소리)’為題材,細膩地描繪出韓國人內在的‘恨(한)’情緒以清唱藝術來如何解放,以此得到不少佳評,然而若要將其作為針對外國人的韓國文化教材則不得不慎重考量,由於本電影中亟欲凸顯其核心要素,即對於‘恨’的情緒著墨過深,尤其為了換取藝術上的成就不惜讓女兒雙眼失明這點備受指責。若說電影<西便制>透過傳統文化的題材促使了現代韓國大眾積極確立自己身為韓國人的認同感,那麼對學習韓語的外國人來說也就有其價值,可活用作理解韓國人及韓國文化的敎材資料。本文將著眼於韓國情緒中‘恨’所蘊含的正面能量,以反向主張的方式探討其中的美學,韓國情緒中‘恨’的美學特性在於能夠將負面的‘恨’轉化成正面的價值,簡而言之就是透過‘恨’的體驗,啟發出想活下去的原因與能量,並獲得創造性的生命力。
The film Sopyonje was released in 1993 and acclaimed critically, stirring up enormous resonance among Koreans creating breaking box-office records with the largest number of audience of all social stratum. Sopyonje is a story about Korean traditional pansori. Its story tells how han(a sense of resentment and sorrow, that is, inner suffering) is the essence of pansori and how one has to have a profound sense of han to become a true pansori singer. However, introducing this film in the classroom of Korean culture for foreigners requires cautious approach, for its rare storyline of intentionally poisoning daughter to be blind in the hope that her deepened sense of han helps her to master artistic accomplishments as a pansori singer. If the film Sopyonje's reception in Korea itself is a national phenomenon and it can reinvigorate interest in elements of national or cultural identity and even resurrect dying traditional art forms, it's worthy of adopting its contents for Korean culture education for foreigners. This paper focuses on postive aspects inherent in han, expoloring its aesthetic characteristics in pansori, yet a life at large. The film captures most purely on seemingly paradoxical and complex sentiment of han such that pansori singer must embody han, for it is a precondition for aesthetic sublimation. Koreans, through a process of sublimating han, renew their driving force of lives. The deeper han is, the more creative force can be channeled into life. In short, sublimated han would be transformed from negative resentment into positive and creative energy to keep on going meaningful life for good reason.