目的:本研究的目的是分析足弓支撐鞋墊對桌球正手側併步正手擊球及正手交叉步正手擊球動作生物力學的影響。方法:20位男性大專甲組桌球選手為受試對象,所有受試者皆有阻力訓練和增強式訓練經驗,一年內無任何上肢和下肢傷害病史,過去皆無接受任何上肢和下肢外科手術。運動學與動力學資料使用動作分析系統11台紅外線攝影機 (200 Hz採樣頻率) 與1個測力板 (2000 Hz採樣頻率) 同步進行擷取,統計分析使用SPSS 18.0軟體用相依樣本t檢定的統計方法來比較足弓支撐鞋墊和平底鞋墊上參數之間的差異,顯著性水準設定為α=0.05。結果:踝關節屈曲改變量,足部外展角度改變量和腳跟左右位移等參數足弓支撐鞋墊小於平底鞋墊 (p = 0.040、0.022和0.047) 。膝關節屈曲角度改變量和前後地面反作用力最大值等參數足弓支撐鞋墊大於平底鞋墊 (p = 0.011和0.001) 。結論:足弓支撐鞋墊中的向後地面反作用力大,表明桌球運動員從地面獲得更多的制動力量作為支撐,同時,受試者膝關節屈曲較多做為緩衝,並且加強他們的髖關節穩定,以利後來的推蹬和快速回擊下一球。在足弓支撐鞋墊,這些微小的變化可能大大的影響速度較快的桌球精雕細琢的動作和使用側撲交叉步步法正手攻擊的精確執行。
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to analyze the effects of the arch support insole on the biomechanics of the table tennis forehand striking. Method: Twenty male college table tennis players were selected. All subjects had resistance training and enhanced training experience. There was no history of upper limb and lower limb injury within one year. No upper or lower extremity surgery was performed in the past. Kinematics and kinetic data were analyzed using 11 motion-infrared cameras (200 Hz sampling rate) and 1 force platform (2000 Hz sampling rate). Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS 18.0 software with dependent samples t-test statistics to compare the difference of the parameters between the arch support insole and flat insole. The significance level was set as α=0.05. Result: Ankle flexion changes, foot abduction angle changes, and heel left and right displacement parameters of arch support insoles were smaller than those of the flat insoles (p = 0.040, 0.022, and 0.047). The knee flexion angle changes and the maximum posterior ground reaction force were higher than those the flat insole (p = 0.011 and 0.001). Conclusion: The posterior ground reaction force in the arch support insole was large, indicating that the athlete got more brake from the ground as a support. At the same time, the knee flexion was increased as absorption and the hip stability was enforced for the propulsion and quickly hitting the next ball. In the arch support insole, these minor changes can greatly affect the movement of the table tennis and the execution of the forehand shot using the footwork.