摘要: | 在國軍歷經政黨輪替與威權轉型的過程當中,針對軍隊進行愛國政治思想教育是國家對軍人所進行的政治社會化的重要方式之一。政治教育是主政者貫徹其政治意識的重要管道,政治教育改變過程中,不易避免執政黨政治意識的影響。然隨著中華民國民主化過程,軍人養成教育中的五大信念的作用在形塑軍人應有的價值觀,此信念為「主義、領袖、國家、責任、榮譽」,而隨著政黨輪替與威權轉型而轉變為「國家、責任、榮譽」,進而影響並混淆國軍「為誰而戰?為何而戰?」目標。
In the process of the political party rotation and authoritarian transformation, one of the important ways for the country to carry out political socialization for military personnels is to educate the army on patriotic political ideology. Political education is an important conduit for politicians to carry out their political awareness. In the process of political education reform, it is not easy to avoid the influence of the political consciousness of the ruling party. However, with the democratization of the Republic of China, the education fostering the military personnels based on the five major beliefs shapes the values that military personnel should obey, which are "doctrine, leader, state, responsibility and honor" With the rotation and authoritarianism transformation of political parties, the beliefs now are changed to "state, responsibility and honor," thereby affecting and confusing the national army "whom they fight for whom and why?".
Therefore, the main purpose of this dissertation is to explore the background of the military political ideology education and military "role model", to analyze whether the normative training of education can shape the military to complete their tasks of their roles and give full play to the role of military personnel; in the course of transformation from authoritarianism to democratization, whether military personnel experience in ideological and political education and the "internalization of the value" of the military "personality education" can guide military personnel in building core values that meet the requirements of the national army. Finally, during the transition from authoritarian regimes to democratization, and in the course of implementing the nationalization of the armed forces, the national army has adjusted its political and ideological education which makes the military personnels clearly understood from “whom they fight for and why?" as well as the core values including "doctrine, leader, state, responsibility, honor" and soldiers’ martial ethics. Due to the transformation of the authoritarian regime, the military can accept its role of which it should be and it is the main focus of this dissertation to explore how the military itself will adjust itself in face of the transformation of political education and the political ideology, political norms and political responsibilities recognized by the army to consolidate their belief ensure their understanding of "whom they fight for” and “why”. |