本研究目的為探討臉書情境下,教育專家代言人外表吸引力、性別及受試者產品知識高低對廣告態度之影響。本研究採用實驗設計法,透過自行設計的廣告,操弄專家代言人外表吸引力及性別,讓受試者觀看實驗設計情境後填答問卷,實驗共分為 4 組,邀請 250 位受試者參與實驗。結果顯示,高外表吸引力專家代言人會產生較好的廣告態度,專家性別方面對廣告態度並無顯著影響,性別與外表吸引力交互作用對廣告態度有顯著影響,高外表吸引力情況下,男性專家會比女性專家產生更好的廣告態度,低外表吸引力情況下,女性專家會比男性專家有更好的廣告態度產生,因此在製作廣告素材時以高外表吸引力男性專家為優先選擇,次要為高外表吸引力女性專家。受試者產品知識高低並無法調節專家外表吸引力及性別,在臉書情境下,資訊曝光速度非常快,因此較無法明顯對廣告內容進行判斷。
In this study, we explore the impact of the physical attractiveness of education ex- pert endorser, gender, and the subject’s knowledge towards the product on advertisement attitude in a Facebook scenario. The experiment design method was used in this study and a self-designed advertisement was used to manipulate the expert endorser’s physical attractiveness and gender. The subjects filled out a questionnaire after watching the ex- periment design scenario. The experiment was conducted on four groups of subjects and a total of 250 subjects were invited to participate in the experiment. The result shows that expert endorser with high physical attractiveness produced superior advertisement atti- tude. The gender of the expert did not significantly affect advertisement attitude. How- ever, interaction effect between gender and physical attractiveness has a significant effect on advertisement attitude. When expert endorsers are highly attractive, male experts pro- duced superior advertisement attitudes than that of female expert endorser. When expert endorsers have low physical attractiveness, female experts produced superior advertise- ment attitudes than that of male experts. Therefore, male experts with high physical at- tractiveness should be used as priority to produce advertisement. A second choice should be female experts with high physical attractiveness. The subject’s knowledge towards the product does not change the effect of the expert’s physical attractiveness and gender. In a Facebook scenario, where the speed of information exposure is very rapid, the subjects cannot adequately judge the advertisement content.