背景:貼紮目前被廣泛應用在復健治療領域以及預防運動傷害的方法,許多研究更指出運動貼布不僅能有效提升運動表現,同時可改善其他相關生理狀態的變化。目的:本研究旨在探討洛克貼布正反向貼法對下肢疲勞運動之影響。方法:本研究招募15名自願參與本研究且健康狀況良好的男性大學運動員為受試對象 (年齡為21.6±1.6歲) ;採重複量數方式進行自變項貼紮預處理,分別為無貼布組、洛克貼布正向貼法組和洛克貼布反向貼法組;貼布張力為180%,貼紮於右腳腿後腱肌群,同時執行反覆疲勞衝刺跑測試。依變項為測量時間點,分別為運動前測、運動後測以及運動後第一、二、三天。利用肌肉超音波影像分析肌肉厚度與肌肉纖維羽狀肌角度;以BIODEX等速肌力儀,進行右腳最大等速向心肌力測試與等速離心肌力測試;統計方式採混合設計二因子變異數分析。結果:洛克貼布正向貼法組與反向貼法組在肌肉厚度、羽狀肌角度皆未達顯著差異。然而,腿後腱肌群的向心等速肌力於後測各時間點皆呈現顯著衰退 (下降12.1±0.4N•m) ;但腿後腱肌群離心等速肌力並未達差異性存在。結論:本研究顯示洛克貼布正向貼法與反向貼法並無法有效提升下肢疲勞運動後的恢復;此外,正向貼法與反向貼法對提升訓練強度的變化亦不具顯著的功效。
Background: Taping was widely adopted in the field of rehabilitation therapy and as well as a kind of preventive techniques for sports injury. Meanwhile, a number of researches were indicated that taping not only enhanced the performance but also improved the related physiological status. Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of the RockTape taping techniques with forward or reverse stretches on the fatigue-induced by lower extremity exercises. Methods: Fifteen male (21.6±1.6 years old) collegiate volunteers with good physical conditions were recruited to participate in the study. The taping pre-treatments were as follows: no taping, RockTape forward stretch, and RockTape reverse stretch using 180% in tension. The position of taping was on the subjects’ right hamstrings and then proceeded the repeated sprint test in order to induce fatigue. The independent variables were timings to exam the muscular condition: prior, after exercise, the post-first day, post-second and post-third day after the exercise. Musculoskeletal ultrasound was intervened to measure the muscle thickness and pennation angle; meanwhile, these test protocols were applied to determine isokinetic concentric and eccentric muscle strength at right leg (Biodex System). Repeated measures two-way analysis of variance (two-way ANOVA), mixed design was used to analyze the data. Results: RockTape taping techniques with forward and reverse stretch in muscle thickness and pennation angle did not show the significant difference. In addition, the isokinetic concentric strength indicated the significance in posterior three days after the exercise (decreasing about 12.1±0.4N•m), however the isokinetic eccentric strength exited no significant difference. Conclusion: It revealed that the taping techniques of forward stretch and reverse stretch may not improve the recovery after conducting the low-extremity fatigue exercise. Besides, it showed no significance in training intensity between the techniques of forward stretch and revere stretch.