出版年取自館藏登錄日期. Factorial and indicator kriging methods using a Geographic information System to delineate spatial Variation and pollution sources of soil heavy metals -- Multivariate geostatical methods to indentify and maps spatial varitions of soil heavy metals -- Multivariate analysis of the soil heavy pollution landscape patterns analysis in Changhua county in Taiwan -- Idebtifying spatial characteristics of transmissivity using simulated annealing and kriging methods -- Characterization soil lead by comparing of sequential gussian simulation, simulated annealing and kriging methods -- Mutiple-point variaence analysis for optical adjustment of a montioring network, environmental montioring and assessment -- Mapping soil mercury in Taiwan using geostatistics and geographic information systems, J. of the Chinese institude of environmental engineering -- Geostatistics approach for identification of transmissivity structure at Dulliu area in Taiwan, environmental geologr -- Simulated annealing and kriging method for identifying tje spatital patterns and variabiliry of soil heavy metal -- Geostatistics simulation and estimation of the spatial variablity of soil zinc, Jiurnal of environmental science and health, Part A- Toxic/Hazardous substance & environmental emgineering, A35(3),327-347.(SCI,EI)NSC 87-2621-P-002-012 -- Geostatistics analysis of soil arsenic content in Taiwan, Journal of environmental science and health, Part A-Toxic/Hazardous substance & environmental emgineering, A34(7) -- Geostatistics analysis for shear wave veiocity, J. of the gelogical society of China -- 景觀生態指數於集水區整體景觀時空間型態變遷探討 -- 以碎行維度探討中部地區建成地型態之硏究 -- 地理統計傑地理資訊系統應用於此嚷污染防治 -- 地理統計模擬法於斗六地區流通係數空間分布模擬之硏究 -- 以衛星影像及碎形理論探討都市綠空間之發展結構-以台北市信義計畫區為例 -- 以地理資訊系統及地理統計於空間資訊分析之硏究 -- 淡水河口溼地景觀資源評估-以挖子尾自然保留區為例 -- 條件模擬法應用於屏東平原地下水質監測站網規劃 -- 景觀生態計量方法於農業景觀生態系統之空間結構探討 -- 以嵌塊體形狀指數統計方法於埤塘景觀之硏究 -- 蘆竹鄉埤塘之環境識覺探討 -- 利用多變量指標克利金法界定土壤金屬污染範圍 -- 逐步高斯模擬與克利金法於流通係數空間變異硏究 -- 條件模擬法小樣區土壤鋅重金屬污染 -- 空間變異對監測網評估之影響 -- 多變數地下水質監測網規劃與評估.