部分內容為英文,含英文摘要. 借款依存度、公司治理與公司績效之實證研究=An Empirical Study of Debt/Equity Ratio, Corporate Governance and Corporate Performance -- 電信公司顧客知覺價值與購買行為意向之實證研究:SEM模型之應用=An Empirical Study on Customer Perceived Value and Intention of Purchase Behavior for Telecom's Service:SEM Models Application -- 財務比率、投資決策與公司績效之實證研究:全球金融海嘯前後比較=An Empirical Study on Financial Rations, Investment Decision and Corporate Performance:Before Financial Tsunami and after -- 外部監控、公司治理與公司績效之實證研究=An Empirical Study of Outside Monitoring, Corporate Governance and Corporate Performance -- 私人投資支出對台灣所得、利率、物價之實證研究=An Empirical Study on the Influence of Private Investment and GDP, Interest Rates and Price in Taiwan -- 財務預警與公司治理:台灣傳統產業之實證研究=Financial Early-Warning Models and Corporate Governance: Evidence from Traditional Industries in Taiwan -- Customer-Oriented Public Service in Township Administration: Enabling Quick Response -- 資訊透明、財務操作與公司績效之實證研究=An Empirical Study of Information Transparency, Financial Operations and Corporate Performance -- 資本結構、自有資金與公司績效之實證研究=An Empirical Study of Capital Structure, Own Funds Ratio and Corporate Performance -- A Study of the Key Factors Effect on Taiwan Trade Remedy System -- 金融海嘯與企業財務預警之實證研究:Logit模型之應用=Financial Tsunami and Financial Early-warning Models: Logit Models Application -- Corporate Brand Strategy Trade-off Phenomenon: Decision-making Influenced by the Distributor -- 股權結構、股東權益與公司價值之實證研究=An Empirical Study of Ownership Structure, Performance and Its Company Value -- 台灣家庭休閒支出之實證研究:分量迴歸方法之應用=Taiwanese Household Leisure Expenditure: Evidence of Quantile Regression Analysis -- 國軍指參教育考選制度對基層幹部影響之研究=A Study of the Evaluation on the Direction and Staff Education under Military Service Examination System -- Green Supply Chain Management Practices on Successful Experience -- 我國水泥業受傾銷前後之經營效率比較研究:DEA方法之應用=A Study on the Operational Efficiency of Taiwan Cement Industry before Imposed Anti-Dumping Duty and after: An Application of Data Envelopment Analysis -- Financial Early-Warning Models on Cross-Holding Groups.