摘要: | 出版年取自館藏登錄日期.
內容 一.參考著作目錄.1.,Bilateral Trade and International Interactions: The Impact of Third Party Blocs on Political Conflict and Cooperation -- 2,Economic Interdependence and International Interactions:The Impact of Third-Party Trade on Political Conflict and Cooperation -- 3,On the Microfoundation of the Theory of Purchasing Power Parity -- 4,Conflict and Trade:The Relationship Between Geographic Distance and International Interactions -- 5,On the Concept of Political Capital:A Life Cycle Analysis of the Politician Behavior -- 6,Trade,Foreign Aid,Tariff and International Interactions -- 7,Economic Interdependence and International Interactions:The Impact of Market Power on Political Conflict and Cooperation -- 8,Economic Interdependence and International Interactions -- 9,A Simple Approach to A Corrupt Politician Model -- 10,Are There Efficiency Losses in US. Industries? -- 臺灣工業資源錯置之效率損失 -- 12,興建高速鐵路對臺灣總體經濟之影響 -- 二.成究成果及目錄.A.期刊論文.1,Liberalism and Interdependence:Extending the Trade-Conflict Model -- 2,On the Microfoundation of the Theory of Purchasing Power Parity -- Conflict and Trade:The Relationship Between Geographic Distance and International Interactions -- 4,Bilateral Trade and International Interactions:The Impact of Third Party Blocs on Political Conflict and Cooperation -- 5,Economic Interdependence and International Interactions: The Impact of Third-party Trade on Political Conflict and Cooperation -- 6,Trade,Foreign Aid,Tariff and International Interactions -- 7,On the Concept of Political Capital:A Life Cycle Analysis of the Politician Behavior -- 8,臺灣地區已婚婦女薪資與就業間斷關係之硏究 -- 9,興建高速鐵路對臺灣總體經濟之影響 -- 10,臺灣工業資源錯置之效率損失 -- 11,公債融通對總體經濟之影響---臺灣地區之實證硏究 -- B.審查中論文.1,Economic Interdependence and International Interactions: The Impact of Market Power on Political Conflict and Cooperation -- 2,Economic Interdependence and International Interactions: The Impact of Country Size on Political Conflit and Cooperation -- C.專書.個體經濟學---理論與應用 -- D.硏討會論文.1,Bilateral Trade,Geographic Distance,and International Interactions -- 2,Political Capital:A Life-Cycle Analysis of Politician Behavior,and Conflict and Trade:Third party and International Interactions -- 3,On the Concept of Political Capital:A Life-Cycle Analysis of Politician Behavior -- 4,A Simple Approach to A Corrupt Politician Model -- 5,Are There Efficiency Losses in US. Industries? -- 6,Efficiency Loss from Resource Misallocation in Taiwan Industries -- 7,Conflict and Trade:The Relationships Between Foreign Aid,Tariff,and International Interactions -- E.個人未發表或進行硏究論文.1,Over Education in Taiwan:An Evaluation of Its Economic Impact and Its Relationship to College Quality,Individual Ability,and Job Duration -- 2,An Equilibrium Model of Corruptive and Cooperative Values---A New Approach -- 3,A Game Theory Approach to the Political Interactions and Economic Exchanges Across the Taiwan Straits -- 4,兩岸三地股市與美國股市相關連性硏究 -- 5,台灣資訊網路產業硏究---雙佔模型與賽局方法之應用 -- 6,A Simple Approach to A Corrupt Politician Model -- 7,Efficiency Loss from Resource Misallocation in USA Industries -- 8,美國與台灣高科技產業硏究---以半導體產業為例 -- 9,台灣地區工資決定之實證硏究 -- 10,美商與台商在大陸投資之比較硏究 -- 11,台灣地區高齡就業之硏究(The Employment of Ageing in Taiwan) -- 12,博士班個體經濟學授課 Notes. |