台灣機構式長期照顧服務組織屬性與政府相關政策演變之探討=An Empirical Study on the Organizational Attribution of the Long-Term Care Providers and the Transformation of the Government's Related Policies in Taiwan -- 台灣不同族群老人長期照護需要差異之趨勢分析=Trend Analysis of the long-term Care Needs of Elderly Different Ethnic Groups in Taiwan -- 我國長期照顧政策之規劃與發展 -- 從生命週期觀點檢視台灣老人居住安排的模式與轉變=Status and Changes of Living Arrangements among the Elderly in Taiwan: An End-of-life Perspective -- 我國居家照顧服務員職業證照與培訓制度之探究: 從英國和日本的作法反思台灣=Issues and Options in Vocational Qualifications and Training Requirements for Home Care Workers in Taiwan: Lessons Learned from Britain and Japan -- 從居住安排與社會支持體系檢視失能老人之ADL與IADL的未滿足需求=Examining the Unmet Needs of ADL and IADL from Living Arrangement and Social Support System for the Disabled Elderly -- 台北市居家服務方案論時計酬適切性之研究=Appropriateness of Pricing Strategy for Home Care Policy in Taipei.