摘要: | 開放政府下所強調之資訊公開及流通,似乎已然成為當前不可抵擋之趨勢,如何確保國家對其所持有之眾多個人資料,以尊重當事人資訊隱私權之方式,為最佳化之利用,一直是近年在探索各式大數據應用模式的同時,備受關注之議題。而個人資料究竟應遵循何種法制框架,進行合理利用,同時確保資訊隱私權之保障,即為本研究關注之焦點。考量個人資料之合理利用往往涉及不同法益間之相互調和,故首要應確認開放個人資料合理利用所欲保障之基本權利類型與範圍,並觀察其與經司法院釋字603號解釋肯認,受憲法保障之資訊隱私權間,可能產生之衝突與衡平,以為後續法益權衡操作,構築其憲法基底。其次,透過我國政府資訊公開法明定之「政府主動公開個人資訊」義務,以及其以保護個人隱私作為豁免公開要件之詮釋,解析立法者在政府資訊公開之理念下,所描繪之個人資料合理利用圖像,並透過司法實務之判決研析其建立之權衡標準,嘗試建立個人資料之保護與合理利用之基礎模式;進一步擇定「政治檔案」及「消費資訊中食品業者個人資料」二個議題,分別探討其中涉及個人資料公開及利用之判斷基準與運作模式,並以德國法為比較之對象,期得藉以釐清國家於保障資訊隱私權與促進個人資料合理利用間,應遵循之憲法界限與法律框架,力求締造雙贏之可能性。
Nowadays, the transparency and free flow of information that is emphasized under open government seem to be the unstoppable trend. The question of how can the government assure the people’s personal information that it withholds is processed with optimum utilization while respecting the person’s information privacy has been the widespread concern when exploring the application of big data in recent years. Finding what kind of legal framework would allow proper use of personal information, at the same time, ensure the protection of the right of information privacy, is the core focus of this research.Considering the proper use of personal information often involves the balance of different fundamental legal interests, the first issue is to confirm the type and scope of personal interest. Also, there is the need to observe the possible conflict and balance derived from the constitutionally protected rights of information privacy, that are recognized by the Judicial Yuan Interpretation no.603, in order to further establish the constitutional basis of balancing different fundamental legal interests. Furthermore, this article will use the concepts, at first, the active obligation of making government information to the public, and second, the interpretation of the elements of exemption from disclosure by protecting personal privacy, which is both stated in the Taiwan’s Freedom of Government Information Law, to analyze legislatures portrait of the proper use of personal information under the premise of freedom of government information. Through the analysis of judicial cases, this research will identify the balancing standard applied in practice. This research also will respectively discuss the criteria and operation mode of the disclosure and usage of personal information under the following issues: “the political archives” and “the food business operator’s personal data in consumer information,” while comparing Taiwan’s regulation to German law. The aim is to clarify the government’s role in the boundary of the constitution and legal framework when protecting the right of information privacy and facilitation of the proper use of personal information, to achieve the possibility of a double-win outcome. |