Creativity has been commonly deemed as a stable personality trait. However, creativity can also be affected by situational clues. This study consisting of three experiments was designed to investigate the effects of situational clues of ”focus regulation” and ”action recency” on creative performance of young adults. In Experiment 1 and 2, two types of focus for future actions, a focus on offensive actions and a focus on defensive actions, were induced to participants in two treatment conditions. Compared with the performance of participants of a control group, in which no focus was intentionally induced, creativity of participants in the two treatment conditions, measured by the Chinese Remote Association Test (CRAT) and Test of Insight Problem (TIP), was significantly better. But, the prevention priming can not inhibit the performance of CRAT and TIP. In Experiment 3, another independent variable of action recency was added to investigate the interaction effect between regulatory focus and temporal distance to the goal on creativity. The variable of focus regulation was manipulated in the same way as in Experimental 1 and 2 (focus on either offense or defense actions), whereas the variable of action recency was manipulated by asking participants to think the actions being carried out with different levels of recency (tomorrow vs. next year). Creativity was measured with the CRAT. An interaction effect between regulatory focus and action recency was reported. For participants with the offense focus, the high recency group (actions carried out tomorrow) outperformed the group with the low recency (actions carried out in next year) in creativity; for participants with the defense focus, the pattern was reversed. For participants with the high recency, the group with the offense focus outperformed the group with the defense focus in creativity measured by CRAT. For participants with the low recency, the difference between the two focus groups was not significant. This study suggests offense focus facilitates creativity. Moreover, the action recency moderates the relationship between regulatory focus and creativity.