研究目的:發展憂鬱內隱聯結測驗(Implicit Association Test,IAT),並檢驗其效度。研究方法與結果:研究一的有效樣本為33位憂鬱(經精神科醫師認定符合DSM-IV重鬱症診斷之初診門診的現在憂鬱病患,年齡介於20-28歲,男性32位、女性1位)與33位非憂鬱參與者(年齡介於18-33歲,男性27位、女性6位)。參與者被施測憂鬱IAT,以檢驗憂鬱IAT是否可區辨憂鬱與非憂鬱參與者。此外,也施測外顯憂鬱測驗,內隱、外顯自尊測驗,俾作為區辦憂鬱與非憂鬱參與者效果量的參照(與憂鬱IAT比較)。研究一經t-test分析發現,只有憂鬱IAT能區辨憂鬱與非憂鬱參與者的組別差異,具有效標關聯效度,然而,自尊IAT並無法區辨出組別效標的差異。此外,外顯憂鬱與外顯自尊測量均可區辨憂鬱與非憂鬱參與者的組別差異。研究二有效樣本為77位隨機挑選出的大學二、三年級學生(年齡介於18-22歲,男性62位、女性15位)。研究二操弄正、負向回饋作業以誘發參與者正、負向情緒,並觀察其在內隱、外顯憂鬱,及內隱與外顯自尊IAT上的表現,俾以檢驗憂鬱IAT的效度。研究二結果顯示,在誘發負向情緒後,只有憂鬱IAT可以偵測出正負向回饋的處理,而自尊IAT卻未有此效果。研究結論:綜言之,憂鬱IAT是一個有效的內隱憂鬱測量指標。
Purpose: The aim of this research is to develop a depression Implicit Association Test (depression IAT) and to examine its validity. Methods & Results: In Study 1, the depression IAT developed in this research was performed on 33 depressed with BDI scores between 18 to 52 (32 men and 1 woman, aged 18-33) and 33 nondepressed participants with BDI scores between 0 to 11 (27 men and 6 woman, aged 20-28) in order to examine its discriminability. In addition, implicit and explicit depression tests and implicit and explicit self-esteem tests were carried out. The scores of the depression and self-esteem tests compared with the scores of the depression IAT to further verify the discriminability of the depression IAT. The results of t-test showed that the depression IAT discriminated between the depressed and nondepressed groups, but the self-esteem IAT did not. The explicit depression and the self-esteem tests also discriminated between the depressed and nondepressed groups. In Study 2, 84 sophomores and juniors from the university (62 men and 15 women, aged 18-22) were randomly assigned to positive or negative feedback groups to induce different emotions. Their performance on the implicit and explicit depression tests and the implicit and explicit self-esteem tests were analyzed to determine the validity of the depression IAT. The results showed that under induced negative emotion, only the depression IAT, was able to discriminate between the processing of positive and negative feedback. The self-esteem IAT did not discriminate. Conclusions: The depression IAT is effective tool for implicit depression indicator.