本研究之目的是以力學原理建立籃球跳投動作的分析模式,藉以檢視選手動作技術的缺失,並加以分析與改正,以期提昇選手的技術水準。本研究是以一部每秒60張畫面的攝影機,於高苑工商專科學校體育館內籃球場,拍攝男子黃致豪選手之跳投動作。並藉由影 帶的放映,將分析的動作停格於螢幕上,然後再利用 Sony Cvp-M3 將螢幕上的動作影像翻拍成相片,依據相片的動作加以反覆觀察和分析,找出動作缺點,並提出改正的途徑和優先順序。本研究對黃致豪選手遠距離投籃動作的建議如下:1.起跳前雙腳站立約與肩同寬,使跳投起跳時地面反作用力能有效的應用於跳投動作。2.持球時雙手均勻分配於球體上,控球於穩定狀態下。3.跳投時身體必須到達最高點才將球投出。4.強調出手的尾隨動作,務必將動作完成。5.加強上臂肌力,能在遠距離輕鬆投籃,才不致於造成身體在出手時弓身。
The purpose of this study was to establish the basketabll jump shoot movement by biomechanical analysis model to inspect the subject's skill default and to improve the subject's skill level. The jump shoot improvement of the subject Hung Chih Hao was filmed with a 60 frames/sec camera. The video tape would be viewed after that. Then the actions that should be analyzed were frozen and transferred into pictures with Sony Cvp-3. After continual observation and analysis, the subject's default would be corrected and improved.