目的:本研究目的在探討中年人從事24式太極拳運動的代謝與生理反應。方法:受試者(n=12,52.4±7.3歲,拳齡2年以上),利用無線遙測運動能量代謝量測系統(CORTEX MetaMax 3B)以breath by breath的方式,進行資料收集。調查變項包括:心跳率、攝氧量、代謝當量、呼吸頻率等。所得之各項資料以t檢定考驗之間差異,並以α=.05為顯著水準。結果:進行24式太極拳運動5趟的平均心跳率113.9±12.3次/分;% HRmax 64.9±7.3%;攝氧量12.1±3.2 mL•kg^(-1)•min^(-1);% VO2 peak 45.8±14.7%;代謝當量3.5±0.9 METs;呼吸次數23.7±3.6次/分。高階組(拳齡5年以上)比低階組(拳齡2-5年),在代謝當量與呼吸次數上,具顯著的差異水準。結論:太極拳屬於中等強度之運動,運動過程當中能量代謝的變化緩和,是一項十分適合中年人的運動。
Tai Chi Chuan (TCC) is a popular Chinese conditioning exercise; however, its physiological responses remain controversial. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine the metabolic characteristics and physiological responses of TCC exercise in middle-aged (n=12, 52.4±7.3 yrs, TCC trained more than 2 yrs). Methods: Metabolic index during 5 sets of 24 style TCC (22' 30”) measured by a Cortex Meta Max 3B telemetry system. During TTC exercise, heart rates (HR), ventilation and oxygen consumption, metabolic equivalents (METs) were monitored. Results: While performing TCC, the mean heart rate was 113.9±12.3 bpm, % HRmax was 64.9±7.3%, relative oxygen uptake was 12.1±3.2 mL•kg^(-1)•min^(-1), % V•O2 peak was 45.8±14.7%, metabolic equivalent was 3.5±0.9 METs, and respiratory rate was 23.7±3.6 time•min^(-1). Metabolic equivalent of advanced group (TCC trained more than 5 yrs) was higher than intermediate group (TCC trained 2-5 yrs). Respiratory rate of advanced group was slower than intermediate group. Conclusion: TCC was found to be a typical aerobic exercise with moderate exercise intensity. It implies that long term and regular TCC exercise may have benefits for health of middle-aged people.