目的:瞭解田徑短距離運動員在不同訓練階段對運動員心理壓力與恢復、生理和社會壓力與恢復之差異情形。方法:短距離田徑男性運動員21位與短距離田徑女性運動員10位,在四個不同訓練負荷階段,分別為準備期、比賽前期、比賽期、過渡期進行Recovery-Stress Questionnaire for Athletes問卷調查,所得資料彙整後,使用One-way ANOVA進行分析,α值設為.05。結果:運動員在比賽前期與比賽期壓力與恢復指數高於其它訓練負荷階段。結論:運動員訓練負荷的增加與比賽日期接近,使運動員感到緊張、焦慮、自信心不夠等,讓運動員在心理壓力與恢復情形產生變化,相對壓力與恢復情形高過於其它訓練負荷階段。
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the differences psychological stress and recovery on short distance athlete status at different training stages. Method: 21 male and 10 female collegiate short distance athletes were selected as subjects. The ”Recovery-Stress Questionnaire for Athletes” was applied as research tool which included general stress and recovery social stress and recovery, psychological stress and recovery and physiological stress and recovery. Data were collected during preparatory, pre-competitive, main-competitive and transition phase. One-way ANOVA was applied to analyzed collected data and α level was set at .05. Results: In pre-competitive and main competitive phase were Stress and recovery index higher than other training phases. Conclusion: Athlete got stress, anxiety, nervous in pre-competitive and main competitive because competition was getting close and they doing high exercise intensity.