The purposes of this study were to compare the fitness indexes derived from different models, i.e. walking, standing and sitting models, following 3-mm step test and to investigate the relationships between fitness index and 3000-rn running performance. Fitness tests of sixty 19-21 year old healthy college males were measured in balanced order following three different kinds of recovery model following 3-mm step tests. Test and retest were carried out for different step tests and 3000-rn run performance, and mean values were used for statistical analysis (One way ANOVA with repeat measures; SPSS 8.01 Version).
Results reveled that: 1) Mean Fitness Index derived from walking, standing and sitting models and 3000-rn run were 77.93 ± 8.94, 83.89 ± 11.03 and 81.99 ± 10.48 and 867.22 ± 76.06 sec respectively. 2) The Fitness Index followed walking model was significantly lower than those of standing and sitting models. 3) Fitness Indexes from three different recovery models were not significantly correlated to 3000 m run performance.
The study indicated the needs of definite resting model be applied following 3-min step test and further validation of 3-min step test on cardiovascular fitness evaluation.