目的:探討跑步熱身運動結合血流限制(running exercise combined with blood flow restriction, RE-BFR)對生理反應與運動表現的影響。方法:12名大專男性運動員,以平衡次序分配至兩種實驗處理:一、跑步熱身運動(50%保留心跳率,2分鐘 × 5組,組間休息1分鐘)結合血流限制處理(RE-BFR;大腿加壓148.7 mmHg;1.3倍收縮血壓);二、跑步熱身運動無血流限制處理(RE)。結果:RE-BFR處理後,心跳率(73.1% vs. 49.2% HRR, p < .05)與運動自覺量表值(15.9 vs. 10.5, p < .05)在運動後時間點,皆顯著高於RE處理。RE-BFR處理後,血乳酸濃度顯著高於RE處理(6.2 vs. 1.6 mmol/L, p < .05)。此外,RE-BFR處理後,爆發力、肌耐力表現與RE處理比較,皆無顯著差異(p > .05)。結論:RE-BFR處理後,誘發人體心跳率、運動自覺量表值增加、血乳酸累積,對隨後之爆發力與肌耐力表現無正面幫助。
Purpose: This study investigated the effects of running exercise combined with blood flow restriction (RE-BFR) on physiological responses and sports performance in male athletes. Methods: Twelve college athletes participated and received two treatments by a counter-balanced order: 1. running exercise (50% HRR, 2 min × 5 sets, 1 min rest interval; heart rate reserve, HRR) with BFR (occlusion pressure: 1.3 × resting SBP; 148.7 mmHg) treatment (RE-BFR), or 2. running exercise (50% HRR) only treatment (RE). Results: RE-BFR elicited significantly greater increases in heart rate (73.1% vs. 49.2% HRR, p < .05) and RPE (15.9 vs. 10.5, p < .05) than RE immediately after exercise. REBFR elicited significant higher in blood lactate (6.2 vs. 1.6 mmol/L, p < .05) than RE. Moreover, there were no significant differences (p > .05) on power and endurance performance between the treatments. Conclusion: RE-BFR results in increases in heart rate, RPE and blood lactate responses, without any beneficial effects on power and endurance performance.