目的:肌肉有提供脊椎穩定度、支撐軀幹和提供動作之功能,想要完成一個大幅度或大角度的動作,都必須要具備有良好的肌力及關節大的活動範圍。因此,本研究目的為分析核心力量結合阻力訓練對芭蕾舞者執行腿部大繞環動作表現之影響。方法:本研究以10名女性芭蕾舞者為受試者(身高:161.9 ± 5.1;體重:54.3 ± 3.1;年齡:19.6 ± 0.7)。受試者在前測接受髖外旋肌力、髖外展肌力、靜態髖外旋角度及腿部大繞環動作測試,隨後執行八週核心力量結合阻力訓練,後測測試方式與前測相同。結果:本研究發現後測的髖外展肌力、旁抬腿踝關節高度、旁抬腿髖外展角度、旁抬腿髖關節屈曲角度皆顯著優於前測。結論:本研究之女性芭蕾舞者執行八週核心力量結合阻力訓練,可以有效增進芭蕾舞者執行腿部大繞環額狀面動作之旁抬腿活動範圍及髖外展肌力。
Purpose: Muscle strength contributes spinal stability and support trunk to perform motion. To complete greater range of motion, it's necessary to have better muscle strength and range of motion. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate effects of core-strength training on ballet Grand Rond de jambe en láir performance. Methods: A total of 10 female ballet dancers completed hip external rotation and abduction strength test, static hip external rotation angel test and Grand Rond de jambe en láir test as pre-test. After pre-test, subjects completed the 8 weeks core-strength training. Post-test was completed after the 8 weeks core-strength training. The post-test was as pre-test. Results: There was a significant increase in hip abduction strength, ankle joint height at frontal plane, hip abduction angle at frontal plane, and hip flexion angle at frontal plane after core-strength training. Conclusions: In conclusion, female ballet dancer completed the 8 weeks core-strength training can improve range of motion of frontal plane of Grand Rond de jambe en láir and hip abduction angle.