本試驗旨在探討產生乳酸為主之乳酸菌(Lactobacillus plantarum B2, LB2),與提昇青貯產品中乙酸濃度之異質發酵乳酸菌產品(LalSil Fresh LB, LAS),搭配濃縮糖蜜發酵液(condensed molasses fermentation solubles, CMS),添加於玉米青貯製作之利用性。試驗以台南19號青割玉米為原料,處理分為(1) 控制組、(2) LB2 (1x109 cfu/kg)組、(3) LAS (3x108 cfu/kg)組、(4) LB2 (1x109 cfu/kg) + LAS (3x108 cfu/kg)組、(5) 3.5% CMS組、(6) LB2 (1x109 cfu/kg) + 3.5% CMS組、(7) LAS (3x108cfu/kg) + 3.5% CMS組和(8) LB2 (1x109 cfu/kg) + LAS (3x108 cfu/kg) + 3.5% CMS組,進行為期90天之青貯試驗後,評估其成品組成分與好氣穩定性,並利用體外發酵產氣法,評估其飼料效率。試驗結果顯示,CMS 可以在發酵初期顯著增加乳酸,降低乙酸百分比及青貯pH值 (p < 0.01),使青貯品質提昇。當CMS 與LB2乳酸菌搭配,雖可以提昇青貯品質,卻使青貯開封後好氣穩定時間降低(< 24小時),在CMS + B2 + LAS組中,對發酵後期亦有乙酸含量有提昇作用 (p < 0.05),並可進一步延長青貯開封後的好氣穩定性(達72小時以上)。添加 CMS之玉米青貯於體外發酵時能顯著提昇發酵產氣量(p < 0.001)和可消化有機物含量,並能使微生物蛋白質產量增加 (p < 0.01)。因此使用CMS 添加於玉米青貯製作,除了加強其成品穩定性外,亦能提昇其在瘤胃發酵利用,進一步提升動物生產表現。
The aim of this study was to investigate the application of high lactic acid production lactic acid bacteria (Lactobacillus plantarum B2, LB2) and the heterofermentative lactic acid bacteria (LalSil Fresh LB, LAS) with increasing acetic acid production on ensiling of corn forage. The additive effect of condensed molasses fermentation solubles (CMS) inoculation was determined at the same time. Corn Forage (Tainan 19) materials were divided into eight treatment groups including: (1) control, (2) LB2 (1x109 cfu/kg), (3) LAS (3x108 cfu/kg), (4) LB2 (1x109 cfu/kg) + LAS (3x108 cfu/kg), (5) 3.5% CMS, (6) LB2 (1x109 cfu/kg) + 3.5% CMS, (7) LAS (3x108 . cfu/kg) + 3.5% CMS, and (8) LB2 (1x109 cfu/kg) + LAS (3x108 cfu/kg) + 3.5% CMS. The chemical composition and aerobic stability of silage was evaluated after ensiling for 90 days. The in vitro fermentation gas production method was used to evaluate feeding value of silage products. The assay results indicated that the CMS significantly increased lactic acid concentration, reduced the percentage of acetic acid and silage pH at the initial stage of fermentation (p < 0.01). The CMS supplemented with LB2 bacteria improved the quality of silage, but it decreased the aerobic stability (< 24 hr). The CMS + B2 + LAS treatment increased the acetic acid production during the late fermentation period (p < 0.05) and extended the aerobic stability of the silage (> 72 hr). CMS supplementation could improve the gas production of the in vitro fermentation test (p < 0.001), the organic matter digestibility and the microbial protein synthesis efficiency (p < 0.01). Based on all the test outcomes, CMS supplementation might be beneficial to enhance the product stability of corn silage, fermentation ability in the rumen and improve the animal performance.