[敎師升等著作] /Observations of mesocale circulations within extropical cyclones over the north atlantic ocean during erica -- 五年內參考著作 -- ELDORA Observations during VORTEX95 -- The Garden city, Kansas during VORTEX 95. Part I:Overview of the Storm's life cycle and mesocyclogenesis -- The Garden city, Kansas during VORTEX 95. Part II: The wall cloud and tornado -- Dynamic and thermodynamic retrievals of airborne dual-doppler radar analyses for the erica iop 4 and 5 storms -- Airborne radar observations of the graden city tornado during VORTEX95 -- Eldora observations of tornado storms during VORTEX95 -- Third workshop on recent development of radar meteorology -- Monsoon convection during the South China Sea Monsoon experiment observed from shipoard radar and the trmm satellite -- international conference on mesoscale convective systems and heavy rain in east Asia -- 第四屆雷達氣象近期發展硏討會論文摘要彙篇 -- 天氣分析與預報硏討會:論文彙編:I.氣象 -- 天氣分析與預報硏討會:論文彙編:II大氣 -- 第六屆全國大氣科學學術硏討會論文彙編 -- 第四屆東亞及西太平洋氣象與氣候硏討會 -- 綠島中尺度實驗規劃硏討會 -- 天氣分析與預報硏討會論文彙編:大氣 -- 兩岸災變天氣監測與預報學術硏討會:論文摘要彙編 -- 第六屆中國科學院硏究生曁兩岸大氣科學學術硏討會論文摘要.