本文旨在藉由Ricoeur有關情感、情感的脆弱性、犯錯、人的會犯錯性等觀點,闡釋其在道德教育上之蘊義。本文主要包含三部分:1.分析Ricoeur對情感與情感的脆弱性之論述;2.探討Ricoeur對犯錯、人的會犯錯性、懲罰之內涵;3.闡釋Ricoeur關於情感、人的會犯錯性、懲罰觀點之道德教育蘊義,俾供教育主管機關和學校參考。Ricoeur關於情感與犯錯的觀點在道德教育之意涵如下:1.需肯認「為惡」可能性的人性特質;2.宜結合情意教育,以調和情感的內在不均衡性並導引人的意志靈魂;3. 讓學生在自我與他人、快樂與幸福、生機與精神之間辯證律動,而使其逐漸能自制;4.學校教育仍需規範與懲罰。
This paper aims to explore the meanings of the concepts ”feeling” and ”fallibility” and their implications for moral education through the perspective of P. Ricoeur. It consists of the following three parts: firstly, analysis of Ricoeur's discourse about feeling and affective fragility; secondly, discussions of the meanings of the concepts of fault, fallibility and punishment from the view of Ricoeur; thirdly, implications and suggestions for moral education in Taiwan. The implications and suggestions for moral education are concluded as follows: first, recognizing the capacity of human nature to fail or to be evil; next, harmonizing human disproportion of feeling and restrain thumos through affective education; and then, enhancing students' self-restrain and temperance through dialectical process between self and other selves, pleasure and happiness, vital and spiritual affectivity; finally, insisting that schools still need norms and punishments.