An urban green area can bring multiple benefits of, such as, recreation, hazard prevention, climate adjustment etc. It is difficult to measure the value for each benefit. However, as a kind of public goods, its benefits will capitalize into the prices of the surrounding real properties. By way of identifying the characteristics of the urban green area, and incorporating them with other characteristics of a real property as explanatory variables, we can build a hedonic price model for real properties and find out the hedonic prices of urban green area characteristics. The purposes of this study are to measure and evaluate the impact and benefit of the urban green area amenity by hedonic price method with geography information system (GIS) survey research.
We choose the urban planning district in Lou-dong as the study subject in which the urban green area is defined to be parks and schools. The sample is the real property transactions in 2004. By building one general model and two interaction models, and performing F-test and t-test with the data from the three models, it is proved that the interaction variables of the urban green area characteristics are useful for explaining.
Traditionally, most of the literatures use hedonic price method to estimate the housing price with several independent variables. But they neglect the varying parameter effects of the interaction variables. The hedonic price model is estimated by using the housing transaction data and the total green area within a 500 meter radius surrounding the house and the total green area within the urban planning district. The estimated hedonic regression model is then used to estimate the benefits of the green area and to simulate the benefits of various distributions of the additional green area in Lou-dong. By applying the hedonic prices models for urban green area, as a kind of public goods, the benefits of the urban green area will capitalize into the prices of the surrounding real properties, the values of urban green area can be evaluated.