運動選手參與各項的運動有許多的原因與動機,同儕、師長、環境等等均有可能成為其助力亦或者是阻力。本研究旨在探討大專散打選手的參與動機與阻礙因素差異之情形。研究採用問卷調查法,以參與102~105年全國大專院校國術錦標賽散打項目之150位選手為研究對象。回收135份有效問卷後,利用SPSS 20.0統計軟體進行獨立樣本t檢定及信度分析、獨立樣本單因子變異數分析、LSD事後比較法及皮爾遜績差等統計分析。本研究之背景變項為我國大專院校散打選手之性別、年級、參與時間、週訓練時數等共四項,參與動機與阻礙因素為依變項,參與動機包括人際關係、環境影響、成就需求、健康因素等四個因素構面;阻礙因素包括內在心理、能力勝任、外在環境、團隊支持等四個因素構面。研究結果發現大專散打參與動機因素之中,最優先順位者為「人際關係」,其次依序為「健康因素」、「成就需求」及「環境影響」。在大專散打阻礙因素之中,最優先順位者為「內在心理」,其次依序為「能力勝任」、「外在環境」及「團隊支持」。此外,研究結果顯示參與動機的高低對於影響阻礙因素並無顯著之關係,阻礙因素高低亦對影響參與動機無顯著之關係。
There are many reasons for athletes to participate in sport. The purpose of this study is to explore the differences in participation motivation and constraint of the Sanda athletes. In this study, questionnaire survey was conducted, and a total of 150 questionnaires was delivered with 135 returned. SPSS 20.0 statistical software was used to analyze the collected data. Independent sample t test, reliability analysis, one-way ANOVA with LSD post hoc comparison method, Pearson correlation coefficient were contacted. The independent variables were the subjects’ gender, grade, year of participation in Sanda, and weekly training time. The dependent variables were factors of participation motivation and constraint. The results showed that among "interpersonal relationship" was ranked as the highest in motivational factors, followed by "health factor", "achievement requirement" and "environmental impact". As of constraint factors, "internal psychology" was ranked as the highest, followed by “ability to competent", "external environment", and "team support". Meanwhile, the results indicated that there was no significant relationship between the motivation and the obstructive factors.