摘要: | 企業、雇主為保護其營業祕密或機密資訊,不因勞工離職而遭受揭露或損害,往往與其簽訂離職後競業禁止條款,限制離職勞工於離職後一定時間內,不得為競業之行為,由於此約款限制了勞工在轉職上的自由,相關爭議在過往屢見不鮮,然而,除了勞動部所公布之競業禁止權益參考手冊外,長久以來司法實務對競業禁止的審查似乎尚未有統一的認定標準,直至2015年11月27日,立院三讀通過勞動基準法增修條文,將競業禁止約款之審查標準予以明文化,而在過往,學界及司法實務對於競業禁止契約之有效性,有極大的比例認為雇主營業秘密保護之必要性存在與否,是競業禁止契約是否有效的重要依據,然而除此之外,諸如代償金、所限制之時間、區域之合理範圍以及離職原因等認定標準上,學界及實務之間似乎尚存在諸多不同見解,在本次修法之後,將過往函釋及判決所揭櫫之基準明確納入,勞資雙方又是如何看待此次修法?因此,為深入了解競業禁止在勞資雙方之間之影響,本文擬先探究競業禁止之定義、態樣及法律性質,並在此之後,初步整理出司法實務在審查競業禁止有效性之基準及審查程序,其後並將透過司法院之判決查詢系統,查詢近年來競業禁止之案件,並針對勞工、企業等單位挑選訪談對象進行訪談,於統整後嘗試做出客觀之分析。
To ensure competitive edges, each and every enterprise will strive to enhance or protect its own interests in a variety of ways.
A confidentiality agreement ,such as Non-competition Clause (often NCC), or covenant not to compete (CNTC) is one of them. In recent years, a lot of threats not come from competitive business but employees violating obligations of confidentialityand non-competition decrease benefits of business.
On November 27, 2015, The Legislative Yuan passed the Amendment of Labor Standards Act, the validity review criteria of CNTC was enacted in Article 9-1,the discussion about the Non-competition Clause ( NCC) becomes popular again. For the High-technology Industry in Taiwan, the NCC is an important way preventing the trade secret from leaking out so that High-technology Industry can maintain their own competitive advantages. For the employees, however, the NCC prevent workers working at the same or similar industries in a certain extent of period, region and occupation so workers' Fundamental Right of Working, Existence and Personality is seriously limited and deprived.
What are the opinions of the labor and the capital towards the amendment this time? To have further understanding of the impact of the Non-competition Clause on both parties, the study intends to explicate the definition, model, and the lawfulness of Non-competition Clause Later, it will examine the judicial practice on valid standards of Non-competition Clause censorship and censoring procedure. Afterwards, we may research on cases of the Non-competition Clause through the searching system provided by Judicial Yuan. Furthermore, we would like to do interviews with laborers, enterprises so as to conclude an objective analysis. |