助跑單腳垂直跳是一種常出現於各種運動場上的動作,但是對於執行該動作的優勢或動作分析上,尚未有多少研究專注於此。本研究目的為,探討不同助跑速度與距離情境下,單腳垂直跳動作的運動生物力學參數差異。共25名優秀男性大專運動員自願參與本研究,要求他們在兩種助跑速度情境下,進行三種距離的助跑單腳垂直跳動作,以隨機抽籤方式進行助跑情境組合測試,每個跳躍組合進行3次。主要儀器包括:11台Motion紅外線高速攝影機 (200Hz),1塊AMTI測力板 (2000Hz) 與Delsys無線表面肌電圖 (2000Hz) 系統,透過EvaRT 4.6版軟體同步收集動力學、運動學與肌電圖參數。原始參數資料藉由The MotionMonitor軟體進行後續分析。統計以2×3 重複量數二因子 (快與慢 × 3種距離) 變異數分析比較各項參數的差異,統計顯著水準定為α=.05,當達到顯著水準時,利用Bonferroni 法進行事後比較。結果發現跳躍表現會隨助跑速度增加而顯著提高,而重心水平速度、負荷率、水平衝量、踝關節勁度、脛骨前肌與腓腸肌的肌肉激活程度,都隨著助跑速度與距離的增加而提高。惟髖關節勁度與股直肌的激活程度,隨著助跑距離增加而提高。較快與較遠的助跑動作會提高起跳前的下肢負荷,進而引發較高的機械能輸出與SSC工作。重心水平速度在4m/s的情況下有最佳跳躍表現。6公尺以上的助跑距離有助於下肢肌肉激活表現。透過快或慢速助跑動作與助跑距離的調整,可以控制跳躍過程的負荷程度,以達到訓練效果。
Running single-legged vertical jump always shows up in exercise occasions, but there are few studies on this movement or jumping mechanism. The purpose of the present study was to compare differences between kinematic, kinetic and EMG in different approach speed and distance on running single-legged vertical jump. Twenty-five male elite college athletes volunteered to participate in this study. They performed running single-leg vertical jumps with two approach speed and three distance randomly. Three successful trials were collected for each jumping condition. The kinematic and kinetic data were collected by 11 infrared high speed cameras (200Hz), a AMTI force platform (1000Hz) and Delsys wireless surface EMG system (2000Hz). All data were synchronized by EvaRT 4.6 software. Raw data were resampled at 200 Hz by the MotionMonitor software for further analyses. The jump heights were found significantly greater with fast approach speed. The horizontal velocity of center of mass, loading rate, impulse, ankle stiffness, activation of tibialis anterior and gastrocnemius were found significantly larger with the increased approach speed and distance. But the hip stiffness and activation of rectus femoris only showed significantly larger with the increased approach distance. Faster and longer approach distance increased the lower extremity loading and caused higher power output and SSC effect. The optimal jumping performance was found when the horizonal velocity of center of mass reached 4m/s. The muscle activation level of lower extremity improved when the approach distance was longer than 6 m. The loading of running single-legged vertical jump can be cotroled by the approach speed or distance in order to enhance the jumping performance or training effect.