The defendant and the defense attorney in investigation procedure may examine the case file or not is an important issue in the criminal procedure. If defendant and defense attorney in investigation procedure may examine the case file, it will help defendant and defense attorney study out the complete strategy of the criminal procedure. But if defendant and defense attorney in investigation procedure can examine the case file,it might damage non-disclosure of investigations principle. So how to balance the protection of defendant’s right of access to the file and the non-disclosure of investigations principle is the important question in criminal proceeding.Therefore, habeas corpus proceedings must provide sufficient guarantees of the judicial procedure, including varied procedural rights.
Since the regulations of the Code of Criminal Procedure, the accused in pretrial detention does not have the right to having a defence counsel appointed by a judge or prosecutor. Moreover, a defence counsel does not have the right to access the case-files in pretrial proceedings, even if the accused is in remand detention.In order to find the solution and way of solving, this article begins with the general introduction of criminal defense right which discusses the limitation of all sorts of types of defense right in practical investigation, and puts forward views and suggestions respectively for the the right of access to case files.