摘要: | 本研究以憂鬱傾向個案為研究對象,進行催眠治療歷程的分析。旨在探討具有憂鬱傾向的參與者在催眠治療過程中的各種經驗,包括自我概念、情感感受、生活模式、人生態度與人際關係等。
本研究成果包括:「催眠治療的效果」和「催眠治療的技術」兩方面。首先,關於「催眠治療的效果」:主要為參與者在接受催眠治療後在自我概念、情感感受、生活方式、婚姻關係和人生態度等向度均得到正向的經驗;以及參與者與催眠師的信任關係是促發催眠治療療效的重要因子。其次,關於「催眠治療的技術」,本研究主要使用漸進式導入法、Dr. Flower催眠誘導法、催眠回溯、換框法、意象催眠以及心錨等催眠技術;以及認為催眠治療不等於催眠,而是運用催眠技術作為心理治療介入的一種治療方式。
The current study was case study exploring the Hypnotherapy processing in a depressive tendency patient. The purpose of the current study was to understand the experience of the client’s self-concept, emotional feelings, lifestyle, life attitude and relationships.
The current study incorporated two parts of interview. The first part was an interview with patient, who shared his personal experience with Hypnotherapy. The second part was an interview with hypnotherapist, who shared the structure of hypnotherapy and the patients’ point of view. The investigator acted as observer who observed the interaction and reaction between the client and the hypnotherapist. The investigator concluded and analyzed the whole hypnotherapy processing, tried to use words to demonstrate the processing of the hypnotherapy, demystified hypnotherapy.
The results of the current study included the effect of hypnotherapy and the hypnosis technology. Regarding the effect of hypnotherapy, client received a good and positive experience in the hypnotherapy in which his self-conception, emotional feelings, lifestyle, marriage and life attitude were changed. The trust between the client and hypnotherapist is an important factor. Hypnotherapy is not hypnosis. Second, the current study used Progressive Guidance Method, Dr. Flower Hypnosis Induction, Hypnosis Backtrack, Reframing, Hypnosis Imagery, and Anchoring. Hypnotherapy is not hypnosis. Hypnotherapy uses hypnosis technology as a treatment intervention in psychotherapy.
Finally, results were discussed and suggestions were addressed for the future studies to demystify hypnotherapy and to improve the development of hypnosis technology. |