摘要: | 自1970年代開始至今,地理學者對於電影的研究逐漸產生興趣。過去地理學者已嘗試探討文學、畫作、歌曲及雜誌等文本中的地景,有關電影的地理學研究,反倒因為電影的通俗性,因此成為容易受忽略的一環。人文地理學者已開始嘗試著以不同研究角度,來理解電影地理學的內涵。本研究選取歷屆奧斯卡最佳影片中,與「家」或「家庭」主題相關的片單,作為分析對象。文中透過和家有關的電影的剖析,探討其中的時空脈絡與文化背景。本文藉由電影來了解家庭成員的角色、關係及互動,對「家」的影響;同時分析電影中,所再現之家的具體空間形態及樣貌;並探討影片中,襯托、支持「家」的其他空間。本研究關心的核心議題有三:〈1〉電影中的家庭角色互動;〈2〉電影中家的具體空間呈現與形塑;〈3〉電影中除了家之外的空間進行探討。研究結果發現,從電影探討家空間的過程中,發現電影中的家庭空間樣貌,是隨著時代背景、經濟發展與社會風氣產生變化的。家庭成員之間也會因為意見不同,進而產生衝突,與隨之產生的影響。家的主要特性是「隱私」,讓人們在屬於自己的空間內,享有舒適的生活,同時也在外部空間,與親友進行社交互動。最後探討電影中家之外的空間,突顯出家空間的重要性。本研究的主軸在於從地理學的角度,以奧斯卡歷屆最佳影片做為分析對象,對電影進行空間層面的文本分析,一方面能補足國內電影地理學研究的缺漏,二方面則可對於既有從其他學科進行的電影研究,增添由空間面向的探討。
Since the 1970s, geographers have interested in studying films. However, films are ironically neglected by scholars because of their popularity. Rather, geographers prefer studying literature, paintings, songs and magazines as texts. This study explores the (non)home space in Academy Award for Best Picture Winner Films. During 1929 to 2017, total 14 films that labeled “home”, “Family Realationships” in IMDb are cases analysed in this dissertation. This research aims to understand the roles, relationships and interaction among family members, representations of the home and other non-home spaces that mutually construct the meaning of the home in the films. The discussion in this research is divided into three main sections, which are ‘Interactions among family members ‘, ‘the construction and meaning of home space in films ‘, and ‘the discussion of non-home space’. Based on the analysis of selected 14 films, the look and meaning of home space in films change with time and society. Main research findings are as follow. First, individual family member may also have conflict with others and relevant consequnces come after. Second, the main characteristic of home is considered as a ‘private’ space. Family members can feel comfortable at home space, interacting with other members and friends. Third, the non-home space usually used for people’s social activity but it also reinforces the importance of home space. Based on geographical perspective, this study explores the meaning and representation of the home space by analyzing awarded best films in Oscar. Also, this reseacrh contributes to promoting the development of film stuides in Geography. |