地球的暖化及臭氧層的破壞,使得地球溫度不斷升高,紫外線指數破表,對人體產生了一定的危害,為避免人們暴露在過量的紫外線下,容易使肌膚黑色素生成、老化鬆弛、產生皺紋,甚至是皮膚癌,人們也紛紛的改變其生活作息,許多的夜間活動悄悄盛行起來,尤其不少運動民眾紛紛改成晚上跑步運動夜跑,對此而言,晚上運動,視線不像白天清楚,夜間運動可能發生的意外及安全性問題,也開始令人擔憂,此問題是值得好好思考、研究其解決方法。本研究以關懷夜間徒步行動人群(尤其是夜跑者)之安全為出發點,擬結合穿戴式科技,設計一款穿戴式智慧衣能感測環境亮度,當夜間或陰天等亮度過低、或由照明較佳的街道區進入較昏暗的街道區,主動判斷啟動LED 等致動原件閃爍,主動警示周遭行動之車輛駕駛或行人,避免因未能注意到而產生碰撞傷亡意外,提高夜間行動者(夜跑者)之安全的智慧衣。
Because of the Global Warming, the temperature of the Earth and the UV index are keeping rising. Exposing under UV for too long will produce the melanin inside your skin, make you looks aging and wrinkled, even lead you to skin cancer. To avoid these problems, people start noticing that they have to change their living habit. Lots of night activities start to be more and more common. For example, people who usually like to jog at day time changed their time to the night. About this, jogging at night, the visual range doesn’t clearly as daytime, it may cause an accident and safety problem at night. This problem is noteworthy and needs to be solved. This research more care about the pedestrians’ safety (especially the night jogger) at night, try to combine the wearable sensing technology and design a wearable intelligence cloth that can detect the environmental brightness. When it’s at night or cloudy day makes the environmental brightness low, or from the bright street blocks to the dim street blocks, it can detect actively and initiate the LED to sparkling, to warn the driver or the pedestrian around actively. It can avoid unpredictable accidents. It’s the intelligence clothing that makes the people who have activity (night jogger) at night.