本研究係利用1986年12月31日及1988年1月15日的SPOT衛星資 料,分別經大氣糾正、亮度糾正、幾何糾正等處理後,以六種探測土地覆蓋變遷 的方法,分析木瓜林區第66林班之火災跡地及其鄰近地區植生與崩塌地間之變 化情形,其主要目的在於探討何種探測方法較適用於本省陡峻高山地區的地形, 結果指出,光譜向量變遷探測法為最適宜的方法,可供本省林區土地利用變遷或 環境變遷監測之參考。
The SPOT multispectral data, taken on Dec. 31, 1986 and Jan. 15, 1988 were utilized in this study. The data have been processed; such as atmospheric correction, brigtness correction, geometric correction, etc. Then use six different change detection methods to analyse the variations of burnt-over area, vegetation community and land-slide changes. The purpose of this study is to find an optimal detection method for Taiwan's mountainous forest area. The results indicates that spectral vector change detection is the optimal method and can be applied on the change detection of forest land-cover in Taiwan.