摘要: | 承襲盛唐的中唐,雖歷經戰亂,然而典章制度未廢,政治制度與文化風俗互為接續。肅宗、代宗、德宗三朝,曾針對政治現象,修訂官員管理規則,企圖透過人事革新,達到新朝氣象。然而,德宗時期原藉河北施行兩稅法,收回中央對於河北三鎮的管轄權。未料因朝臣人事問題,造成嚴重的河北叛亂,以及涇原兵變。為平息軍亂,德宗採取加官晉爵的綏撫政策,卻讓朝中官僚再度失序。中央官吏輕蔑管理制約,假官僚體系作私人權謀之術。專地之區藩鎮憑恃武力,藐視中央威信,遂自行其事。富足之區節度使憑恃賦稅,破壞遷轉體制,獨攬常駐專權。從中央至地方,行政官員因私惴,各尋生存之道。這是系統性的問題,非單一特例,官場倫理不彰,造成系統性失衡。從德宗貞元到順宗永貞,國境尚稱太平,約20餘年的休養生息,奠下安定基礎。憲宗即位後,採取積極的革新策略與方法。元和時期的官場倫理再造,便是在中唐官僚革新的基礎上,針對施行不善的規範,以朝參場域、取士風向、升遷管道等系統。全面性執行國家培育人才機制,由下而上貫穿憲宗型塑官員官場的樣貌。利用策略性施政,將抽象職場倫理,轉化為實際官場革新現象,大力整頓官場脫序的乖張行徑與風氣。
The Middle Tang Dynasty, as a continuation of the Golden Age of the Tang Dynasty, although it had undergone war and turmoil, the legal and political systems remained in force, with the political system, culture, and customs inter-connecting in good conditions. Emperor Suzong, Emperor Daizong, and Emperor Dezong had amended the official's code of practice, attempting to reform the court with a reformation of the personnel system. However, during the regime of Emperor Dezong, with the implementation of the Two-tax Act in Hebei, the court attempted to take over jurisdiction in the three towns in Hebei. Unexpectedly, because of the personnel problems, it triggered off uncontrollable rebellions in Hebei and caused the Jingyuan Mutiny. To appease the uprising, Dezong applied the appeasement policy to knight the officers there, creating uncontrollable outcomes to the hierarchical system in the court. From Emperor Dezong to Emperor Shunzong, the dynasty was still in a peaceful condition. With 20 years of rest and recovery, it laid the foundations for stability. As Emperor Xianzong ascended the throne, he used reformation strategies and methods positively. The reformation of ethical conducts for officials during the Yuanhe period was founded on the basis of the reformation of the hierarchical system during the Middle Tang Dynasty. Targeting on the malpractice of codes, the court enhanced their implementation thoroughly to regulate the chaos and misconduct in the court. |