摘要: | 研究背景、研究問題及研究目的 員工在服務的過程中,正面的情緒表達(如親切的表現)會正向影響消費者再 購意願、服務品質的知覺以及向他人推薦意願(e.g., Puch, 2001; Tan, Foo and Kwek, 2004; Tsai, 2001),因此,第一線員工如何在服務的過程中表現適當的情緒,傳遞 正面的情感給顧客,日益成為行銷學者以及企業強調的重要議題(Zapf, 2002)。 Hochschild (1983)首先提出「情緒勞動」的概念以探討此一議題,情緒勞動是指 「為了組織目標,對於內在感覺與外在表現加以調節的過程」(Grandey, 2000, p.97)。 基本上,員工經由表層演出及深層演出兩種方式從事情緒勞動,在服務的過程中 將組織期望的適當情感傳遞給顧客。 過往情緒勞動之相關研究大多是由員工的角度去了解人格特質對情緒勞動 的影響,近來少數學者究嚐試由其他的角度(如顧客及主管的角度)去了解,然而 由主管的角度探討的研究更是少有,尤其是主管的人格特質其影響如何,似乎尚 未有研究加以探討。其次,許多情緒勞動的相關研究曾探討五大人格等基礎特質 的影響,然而誠如Brown, Mowen, Donvan and Li c a t a (2002)指出表層特質概 念更為重要,因為基礎特質遠離預測績效的特定行為,而表層特質與這些特定行 為有更近的關係,因此可以提升特定行為的預測能力,但是在行銷及服務領域所 強調的、重要的顧客導向人格特質(表層特質)對情緒勞動的影響則尚被忽視。綜 合言之,主管的顧客導向特質與員工情緒勞動的關係尚不清楚。此外,主管部屬 交換關係(leader-member exchange, LMX)理論(Dansereau, Green, and Haga, 1975; Green and Scandura, 1987)指出部屬若與其主管具良好的交換關係,則部屬會覺得 有義務去回報經由此一關係獲得的利益(Coyle-Sharpiro and Conway, 2004),因此 本研究認為對於高LMX 品質的員工,主管的顧客導向特質與員工的情緒勞動將 呈現較強的關係,然而現有文獻並未釐清這三者的關係,尚待本研究進一步探討 及檢驗,以補充不足之處。 研究方法: 與顧客互動之第一線主管及員工為本研究之抽樣對象,預計調查主管100 人 及員工1000 人。問卷分為兩部分,一部份由主管評估,另一部份則由部屬評估, 本研究將翻譯國外具有效度及信度之相關問卷,再由相關領域的資深學者審訂內 容效度,並進行預試。本研究為一跨層級的研究,因此採用多層級線性模式(HLM)從事資料分析,以檢驗研究假設。 研究重要性與預期貢獻: 雖有許多學者探討人格特質與情緒勞動之關係,然而尚未有從主管表層特質 的角度去探討的研究,本研究擬釐清主管的顧客導向特質、員工的情緒勞動(表層 及深層演出)以及LMX之關係,希冀擴展情緒勞動、人格特質及LMX之理論知識。 在實務管理上,本研究將有助於管理者了解主管的顧客導向特質是否可提升員工 的情緒勞動,並提出相關實務之建議。
Research background, problem, and objectives: Positive affective displays in interactions between employees and customers, such as delivering friendliness, positively influence customer’s intention to return, perception of service quality and intention to recommend a store to others (e.g., Puch, 2001; Tan, Foo and Kwek, 2004; Tsai, 2001). Thus, how frontline employees to display appropriate emotions and convey positive affectivity to customers has been an increasingly important issue among researchers of marketing, organizational behavior, and practitioners (Zapf, 2002). Hochschild (1983) first addressed the concept of emotional labor to explore this issue. Emotional labor is defined as “the process of regulating both feeling and expressions for the organizational goals” (Grandey, 2000, p.97). Basically, emotional labor includes two ways of surface and deep actings by which employees deliver expected affectivity to customers in service interactions. Studies of emotional labor mostly understood the influence of personality on emotional labor by employee's point of view. Recently a few researchers try to understand the relationship by other point of view, such as customer's or supervisor’s point of view. However, it seems lack of studies exploring this relation by supervisor’s point of view. In particular, how supervisor’s personality affects employee’s emotional labor has not yet been studied. Further, although many studies examined the influence of basic personality, such as big five, on emotional labor, Brown, Mowen, Donvan and Licata (2002) point out that surface personality is more important because it is a better predictor of specific behavior than basic personality. However, the affect of customer orientation trait, which is very important surface personality in the field of the marketing and the service, on emotional labor is neglected. Therefore, the relationship between supervisor’s customer orientation trait and employee’s emotional labor is unclear. In addition, the theory of leader-member exchange (LMX) (Dansereau, Green, and Haga, 1975; Green and Scandura, 1987) contends that employees in a high-quality exchange relation with their supervisors feel obligations to repay the supervisor for the benefits that the employee obtains from that relation. Therefore, this study argues that an employee with higher LMX would demonstrate higher level of relationship between supervisor’s customer orientation trait and emotional labor. However, the existing literature has not clarified these relations, thus the further exploration and examination is needed. Research methods: Frontline managers and employees that interact with customers will be the sampling objects, including about 100 supervisors and 1000 employees. The questionnaires include two parts, a part appraised by the manager and another part appraised by the employee. The Chinese translations of the valid and reliable questionnaires of previous studies will be used. The translations will be modified by the scholars to assure the content validity and then conduct the pretest. This study is a cross level research, therefore we use hierarchical linear model to analysis the data in order to examine the research hypotheses. Research importance and expected contribution: Although scholars emphasized the relationship between personality and emotional labor, there seems to be no studies exploring the affect of surface personality on emotional labor by supervisor’s point of view. Thus, this study intends to clarify the relationships among supervisor’s customer orientation trait, employee’s emotional labor (surface and deep acting) and LMX to fill the gap and extend the knowledge of emotional labor, personality and LMX. In addition, regarding managerial practices, the results of this study will provide evidences to show whether supervisor’s customer orientation trait will promote employees emotional labor. Further, I will discuss managerial policies and the theoretical foundation. |