曰本統治期間日本文化大量流入台灣,在文學方面「徘句」發展迅速,很快便融入台 灣風土的元素。然而在50年的日治期中,所謂的「本島人」作家在徘句中是如何表現台 灣的元素?他們與居住在台灣的「内地人」雖然同為「台灣徘人」,但在視點及呈現手法 上又有何異同?其中當他們在遇到季題的問題時,又是如何主張立足於台灣風土上的徘句 創作,而非以溫帶日本的季題觀為依據?而面對中央徘壇時,他們又是如何為自己的主張 發聲,並且從事徘句論的研究以堅定自己的立場?到了日治後期,他們更面臨到深刻的自 我認同的問題,而這也讓他們的創作内容有了巨大的轉變。 為釐清以上問題,本計晝將以下述四點作為研究重點: 1.首先要釐清日治期間「本島人」徘句作家在徘句創作上的活動,包括其生平、接觸徘 句的契機、參與徘句會活動的紀錄等。 2.分析其作品,包括題材的運用、内容的特色。 3.以「自我與他者」的角度來探討,與同為「台灣徘人」的内地移民間作品的視點差異, 與徘句中表現的自我認同問題。 4.身為台灣徘人在面對「中央與地方」的風土差異時,他們如何處裡昭和期的季題一元 化觀點,並且如何主張立足於自己(台灣)的風土來創作徘句並提出具體的徘句理論。 本計晝的目在探討當徘句傳播到海外時所產生的轉變,以及對異文化的衝擊與融 合。本研究將透過釐清以上的問題點來闡述日治期「本島人」徘句作家的徘句活動,以 及其作品内容與特徵。
Under Japanese rule, Japanese culture had largely flowed into Taiwan. In literature, "haiku" spread out rapidly and took in a lot of the elements of the Taiwanese climate. How did “Hontouzin” manipulate the elements of Taiwan to express haiku over fifty years under Japanese rule? While “Hontouzin” indicated the Taiwanese haiku poets during the Japanese colonial period, “Naichizin” meant the Japanese haiku poets who immigrated into Taiwan. Although they were all the same as Taiwan haiku poets, they had different perspectives and approaches. When it came to season words, how they composed haiku by the Taiwan climate instead of Japan season words which was located in the temperate zone. To clarify these questions mentioned above, there are four key points in this research as follows. 1. First of all, I review the creative activities of “Hontouzin”,including their life, the chances for having access to haiku and the minutes about attending the activities of haiku associations. 2. Analyze their works, including using the themes and characteristics of the contents. 3. Even though they are the same as Taiwan haiku poets, with the study on the “self and others”, we can know the different viewpoints and their identity between “Hontouzin” and “Naichizin” 4. Being Taiwan haiku poets, when they faced the difference between central climate and local climate, how they dealt with the season words regarding Monism and how they proposed the concrete theory on haiku in the stance of Taiwan climate. The purpose of this study is to probe the changes of the haiku which was spread overseas and to clarify its cultural shock and fusions. Through the main points mentioned above, the research reviews “Hontouzin” haiku poets’ activities, their haiku works and characteristics during the Japanese colonial period.