曰本統治期間日本文化大量流入台灣,而在文學方面,「徘句」發展迅速,很快便融入台 灣風土的元素。然而在50年的日治期中,徘句中是如何表現及運用台灣的元素?徘句題材 和手法又有何轉變?而以台灣的事物為主題的徘句有何特色?期間又有何關於台灣書寫及 季題論的研究?為釐清以上問題,本計晝將以「徘句中的台灣書寫」為切入點,而主要有以 下四個重點: 1.西岡塘翠的季題觀與「台灣徘材解説」中的題材(徘材)研究:塘翠對於李坪『台湾 歲時記』之受容以及超越 2.山本孕江的季題觀與「台灣句研究」「熱带圈」中的徘句題材之研究:身為氺卜卜早'只 系徘誌『吵3力、0』編集者的苦惱與決斷 3.「自我與他者」「中央與地方」之間:論台灣徘人的季題觀與高浜虚子「熱帶季題論」 間的矛盾 4.日治期多文化接觸下的徘句題材與表現之變化:語言意識、語言使用、語言變化 本計晝的目在探討當徘句傳播到海外時所產生的轉變,以及對異文化的衝擊與融合,而 在台灣書寫上,題材與手法之轉變也是研究的重點之一。徘句的風土性、自我與他者、中央 與地方等關係亦是在研究日治期徘句中的台灣書寫之重要關鍵,本研究將透過釐清以上的問 題點來闡述以大正、昭和期為主的台灣徘句之内容與特徵。
For 50 years under Japanese rule, Japanese culture had largely flowed into Taiwan. In literature, "haiku" spread out rapidly and took in a lot of the elements of the Taiwanese climate. However, how Taiwan was expressed and manipulated in haiku? What kind of changes did these themes or descriptions bring ? What kind of features did the haiku about Taiwan things have? In addition, what kind of theories on season words regarding Taiwan were there? In this study, I keep the point to the representations regarding Taiwan in the haiku and probe the above-mentioned problems with four subjects as follows. 1. The Study on the season words theories of Tousui Nishioka and the themes in “The Commentary of Taiwan Haiku Subject ” 2. The Study on the season words theories of Youkou Yamamoto and the themes in “Study of the rrr . j j • j 1 ((rji . i ” Taiwanese Haiku and iropical area 3. Between "self and others" "center and district": Contradictions between the season words theories about Taiwan haiku poets and “TropicalSeason Words Theory” of Kyoshi Takahama 4. Under multiple cultures the changes in the themes and expressions of the haiku during the Japanese colonial period The purpose of this study is to probe the changes of the haiku which was spread overseas and to clarify its cultural shock and fusions. Moreover one of the points is to know the changes of the themes and the descriptions technique about Taiwan representations. Climate of the haiku, colonist vs. foreigner, and ego vs. others also play the important roles in the study on the Taiwanese haiku. Through the main points mentioned above, the contents and characteristics of the Taiwan haiku in the Japanese colonial period will be clarified.