季娜·魯賓娜為近代俄羅斯最受歡迎的作家之一,「科爾多瓦的白鴿」是一部結合冒險犯罪、家族 歷史、親情、友情與愛情的小說。作家運用精闢生動的形象用語,清新獨特的隱喻意象,使作品內涵 豐富精深。本計畫擬以形象用語的多變張力與隱喻模式的映射布局兩條主軸進行探討,並分析作家蘊 含的藝術思維與內在精神向度,體現在擇選修辭用語上所展現的強大感染力。 本計畫研究重點: 第一年研究主題為「科爾多瓦的白鴿」作品中形象用語的功能闡釋與語言特點,分析文本中形象 用語的形式語法特點,詞彙語意特點,比喻結構模式與功能特點。總結文本意義生成中,作家的獨特 視角,理解作家對現實生活的審視和闡釋。憑藉系統性地展示比喻語意類別與主題分類,幫助學習者 在語境中活用形象用語,增進表達的豐富與靈活。 第二年研究主題為「科爾多瓦的白鴿」作品中概念隱喻模式特點,分析不同概念領域間的映射關 係,並針對模式類型分析文本,探討貫穿整部作品的核心隱喻。總結作家創作思想模式,並探析文化 之間概念隱喻模式的認知差異,瞭解文本寓意、象徵及隱喻等整體意象。
Dina Rubina is one of the most popular writer in modern Russia. “The white dove of Cordova” is a novel regard to Cordova, a painting appraiser, about his adventure, crime, family and love. Writer used vivid and brilliant words, fresh and unique metaphor to enrich her writing in this novel. This study, a two-year plan, focuses on two topics: characters of description of semantic image and metaphor in “The white dove of Cordova” seeking the Rubina’s worldview by her choices of words. The topic of first year is the characters of description of semantic image in novel and their functional explanations. By investigating the characters of formal grammar and lexical semantics, structures and functions of descriptions of semantic image in novel, it is expecting that writer’s unique worldview and understanding of the world can be outlined and interpreted. Russian learners can get benefit in their expression ability at different environment base on the result of research. The topic of second year is the characters of metaphor in novel from view of conceptual metaphor. By studying and categorizing mapping between different conceptual domains, it is anticipated that grasp of metaphor being used in this novel can be recognized. Thereby, we can have deeper and clearer comprehension of the notion of Rubina’s creation and the differences of recognition in conceptual metaphor among different cultures.