In this study, a method combining radar and entropy was proposed to design a rainfall network. Owing to the shortage of rain gauges in mountain areas, weather radars are used to measure rainfall over catchments. The major advantage of radar is that it is possible to observe rainfall widely in a short time. However, the rainfall data obtained by radar do not necessarily correspond to that observed by ground-based rain gauges. The in-situ rainfall data from telemetering rain gauges were used to calibrate a radar system. Therefore, the rainfall intensity; as well as its distribution over the catchment can be obtained using radar. Once the rainfall data of past years at the desired locations over the catchment were generated, the entropy based on probability was applied to optimize the rainfall network. This method is applicable in remote and mountain areas. Its most important utility is to construct an optimal rainfall network in an ungauged catchment. The design of a rainfall network in the catchment of the Feitsui Reservoir was used to illustrate the various steps as well as the reliability of the method.