拉邦是第一位提倡動作分析的舞蹈學者,在全世界現行的舞蹈與動作研究法中拉 邦動作分析的理論與原則是非常受重視的,雖然臺灣曾經數度邀請國外的學者來臺講授邦動 作分的理論,但是都是短期教學因此學生所獲的知識較缺整體性,此文是將研究的焦點完全 置於拉邦動作分析之產生背景與理論原則,希望藉此研究能幫助筆者與舞蹈科系的學生們對 拉邦動作分析的理論與原則有整體性的認識,全文分為四部份:第一部份探討拉邦動作分析 之沿起對其理論產生的動機與背景作歷史性的分析;第二部份為了使讀者更加瞭解拉邦其人 其事將拉邦的生平、個性與思想作全面的介紹;第三部份將拉邦他賦予 " 動作 " 的定義、 拉邦動作分析的理論與原則作全盤性的分析與探討,並且從教育的關點論及動作分析的學習 模式;第四部份為結論將研究的心得彙整成篇。
Rudolf Laban is the most influential figure in dance study in the 20th century, and his theory and principles of movement analysis are as pertinent and central to man's understanding of movement in the 21st century. In order to clarify the background, theory, principles and the influence of Laban. The aim of This article is to study the theory and principles of Laban's movement analysis, The scope of this research will be divided into four sections: The first section is concerned with the historical background of Laban's dance study. The second section explores the man - Rudolf Laban and his works. The third section investigates Laban's theory and principles in movement analysis, which includes:1.The concept of Laban's movement analysis; Commencing with the definition of "choreology".2.From different point of views to examine Laban's ideas of movement.3.Exploring Three Laban's notation systems which concern the theories of: kine-tography, Choreutics and Eukinetics.4.Revealing four modes of investigation currently used in movement analysis which are experiencing, exploring, analyzing and documenting. The last section concludes the influence of Laban's movement analysis.