本文試圖從傳播研究(communication studies)、科學與科技研究(science and technology studies, STS)以及博物館研究(museum research)等領域出發,從跨領域研究取徑思考科學類博物館在公眾參與科學(public engagement of science)時,可以扮演的公共性角色以及可以提供的溝通模式。本文以國外科學類博物館正在進行中的與奈米科學、科技相關活動,以及「公民科學聯盟」為例,希冀透過此一跨領域之理解與實踐,突顯過去在STS、傳播,以及博物館研究文獻中,相對被忽略的科學類博物館在科學傳播中可以扮演之重要角色。
This paper aims to combine the following research approaches -- communication studies, science and technology studies, and museum research -- to investigate what roles science and technology museums can play in public engagement of science and technology. This paper looks at two types of projects -- nano science/technology related programs and Citizen Science Alliance (CSA) -- to present how science and technology museums in Western countries are engaging the public with science and technology. It hopes that the significant role of museum can be highlighted in the emerging field of science communication via this interdisciplinary approach.