摘要: | 背景:傳統阻力訓練可能因為槓片與槓鈴的固定重量,阻礙動作過程中關節角度的變化,使力量無法完全發揮到最佳訓練效果,研究指出變動式阻力訓練可改變器材固定重量的機制,使動作符合力量曲線;然而增加最大肌力並提升運動表現的效應仍待探討。目的:本研究旨在探討變動式阻力訓練對大專橄欖球選手最大肌力與爆發力之影響。方法:招募12名大專公開組橄欖球男性選手為受試對象 (年齡為20.8 ± 2歲,身高為172.9 ± 6.2公分,體重為81.3 ± 10.9公斤),依據重複量數與平衡次序分成二組:一般傳統阻力為控制組與變動式阻力訓練組 (鐵鍊) 為實驗組;進行每週3次,連續8週,於訓練前後,受試者進行背蹲舉、仰臥推舉和相撲硬舉測驗,以評估最大肌力,以及實施立定跳遠、垂直跳與60公尺衝刺測驗,以評估爆發力。統計方式採混合設計二因子變異數分析。結果:經過8週訓練後,兩組間最大肌力與爆發力 (跳躍爆發能力與衝刺表現) 前後測皆無顯著差異,但均有進步趨勢,且在最大肌力部分鐵鍊組的結果均優於控制組。結論:8週阻力訓練後,變動式阻力訓練組與傳統肌力訓練組均有提升大專橄欖球選手最大肌力及爆發力表現,且特別是在下肢肌力。
Background: Due to the fixed weights of plates and barbell, traditional resistance training may be hindered by the joint angles during the movements, so that the full strength may not be exerted. Although variable resistance training has been observed to alter such fixed weight mechanic and suit for strength curve, yet no data were available so far on the maximum strength and performance enhancement. Purpose: This study is going to investigate the effects of the variable resistance training (VRT), so-called heavy-chain training (HCT) and traditional resistance training (TRT) on the maximum muscular strength and power of male collegiate rugby players. Methods: Twelve male collegiate rugby players (age: 20.8 ± 2 years old, height: 172.9 ± 6.2 cm, and body weight: 81.3 ± 10.9 kg) were recruited and randomly assigned to 8 weeks of an identical resistance training program in Traditional Resistance Training (TRT) and Variable Resistance Training (VRT) configuration. After signing the inform consent form for this study, the physical activity readiness questionnaire (PAR-Q) and one maximum muscular strength were accessed for the selected subjects prior to the study. Repeated measures two-way analysis of variance (two-way ANOVA), mixed design was used to exam the differences between two configurations as independent variables and physiological indexes: long-jump, vertical jump, 60 meters explosive sprint test, as well as maximum strength test in back squat, bench press, and sumo deadlift as dependent variables. Results: Performance indicators in maximal strength and explosive power (jumping power and sprinting performance) showed no significant difference between pre-test and post-test (p>0.05) after 8-week intervention. The results, however, appeared the tendency of improvement for both two groups, and VRT still greater than TRT in maximal strength test. Conclusion: After conducted 8-week resistance training, both heavy-chain training (HCT) and traditional resistance training (TRT) may possibly provided the same performance enhancement benefits in maximum muscle strength and explosive power for collegiate rugby players, especially in the lower limb strength.
Keywords: Heavy-chain, strength curve, non-traditional training |