隨著科技的進步與交通運輸的發達,改變了人們的生活方式,「坐式生活」逐漸成為現代人的主要生活型態,也是造成國人罹患肥胖及代謝疾病的一大主因。代謝症候群患者有較高機率罹患心血管疾病及第二類型糖尿病。本研究目的在探討高強度間歇壺鈴訓練對於中年女性坐姿工作者肌肉適能及代謝症候群指標之影響。研究方法:招募32名中年女性坐姿工作者 (40-64歲) 為研究對象,隨機分為高強度間歇壺鈴訓練組及控制組,為期8週,每週3次,每次30-40分鐘之訓練,而控制組僅維持日常生活習慣,避免參與相關運動訓練計畫。於訓練前及8週訓練後檢測肌力表現與代謝症候群相關指標。所得資料以混合設計二因子變異數分析為統計方法,以α=.05為顯著水準。結果:在8週訓練後,壺鈴訓練組背肌力及股四頭肌肌力優於訓練前,且對於代謝症候群相關指標,腰圍有顯著下降,空腹血糖則增加。結論:在8 週壺鈴訓練可提升中年女性坐姿工作者背肌力及股四頭肌肌力,而代謝症候群指標僅腰圍有顯著下降。
Along with science and technology progress, it change the way of people live. Sedentary lifestyle has gradually become the main modern life style, also been the reason of people suffering from obesity and metabolic diseases. There is a higher probability that metabolic syndrome patients get cardiovascular diseases and Type 2 diabetes. Purpose: This study was investigate the effect of high intensity interval kettlebell training on muscle and metabolic syndrome index for sedentary lifestyle middle-aged women. Method: Thirty-two patients (age 40-64) were randomly assigned to an high intensity interval kettlebell training and control group. The training group was perform for 30-40 min, three times per week for 8 weeks. The control group were asked maintain daily activity and avoid participating in any exercise program. All participants were evaluated on muscle and metabolic syndrome index at before and after 8-week. Data were analyzed using a two-way mixed design ANOVA analysis of variance. Result: After 8 weeks training, kettlebell training could improve back muscle strength and quadriceps strength. And the metabolic syndrome index only waistline decrease significant. Conclusion: The high intensity kettlebell training program were significantly increased in back muscle strength and quadriceps strength. In addition, the metabolic syndrome index only waistline decrease significant.