摘要: | 在現今激烈的廣告平台之中,人們透過各種媒體得到的資訊越來越多元,代言人經由電商、電視、平面等媒體對消費者意願產生影響力。而Facebook在台灣月活躍用戶數高達1,800萬。本研究探討代言人之信賴度、吸引力和專業性對消費者購買意願的影響,並以Facebook自媒體直播為研究範圍。研究者透過發放問卷更取得到300份問卷其中有效問卷為272份。分析問卷結果顯示代言人利用其「吸引力」、「信賴度」將對消費者的購買意願將有其顯著之影響而「專業性」較無顯著之影響,研究結果將可以做為未來想要利用此平台之電商、平面廣告媒體以及相關業者做為投入尋找代言人決策之參考。
Facebook, this widely spread, rapid rising social media network platform has managed to impact people’s daily life worldwide. As in Taiwan, this social media has reached over 1.8 million users. This network platform is not only influence people’s typical daily practice, but also changed the way of how people’s perspective of the information viewed, have their perception towards the information received and how to accumulate the information that they require to acquire. These behavioral changes also deeply impact towards the willingness of how consumer executed their buying power.
As the result, the newer forms of advertisement campaign, publicity, and marketing strategies, these elements acts as the crucial roles towards many phases of current business trading that critically influence the commercial product’s sales figure and consequently affect the revenue side of business as well. Since the means of advertisement has been challenged over the years, printed flyers, news-paper advertisement, radio commercial or TV commercials are no longer satisfy for the contemporary demands, the needs to acquire different forms of service platform like Facebook has been given a newer input that enable to activates the desire of consumer purchase power again.
This thesis has targeted how consumer relied on the belief of E-commerce brand endorsers in the end product, the attractiveness and expertise that significantly motivate consumer’s purchase intention. Along with 3000 survey given to the Facebook user that specifically identify the advertisement has been driven by Facebook self-broadcasting tools, which shares a similar concept of We-media o the designated viewers. Within the 272 survey, they have identified that brand-endorser has certain manipulative influence in attractiveness and reliability towards the commercial products that encourages the consumer’s purchase intention. Yet, lesser degree would reflect upon to brand-endorser’s expertise towards the commercial products that they truly intended to sell.
Consequently, as the research demonstrated and shared the significant of the relations conducted between Facebook and the advertisement campaigner, which provides a significant valve and research reference for E-commerce provider or commercial trade related personnel to reconsider the most adequate method to involve the brand-endorser for advertisement on social media network service platform in future. |