本研究旨在探討遊覽車駕駛員之工作壓力源、認知因應策略及壓力後果之關係,兼論認知因應策略之中介作用。以立意抽樣進行訪談,經由SPSS21套裝軟體分析結果發現 (N=384);遊覽車駕駛員的工作壓力源對壓力後果及認知因應策略具有正向顯著影響;而認知因應確實有助於緩解工作壓力所帶來的負面影響;且認知因應策略在工作壓力源與壓力後果之間具有中介效果。駕駛員普遍感受高度工作壓力,但熱愛駕駛工作,而其紓壓方式,多是以調整想法、找好友同行聊天,而較少運用社會資源(就醫或諮詢),且少從事動態休閒活動,顯示堅忍下的壓力出口亟需生活與休閒輔導。最後根據研究結果,提出實務管理之意涵,期能提供相關單位促進遊覽車駕駛身心健康與行車安全之策略參考。
This study explores relationships between job stressors, cognitive appraisal and job stress outcomes of Taiwanese coach drivers, using cognitive appraisal as mediator. The method of Judgmental Sampling is used to target the drivers at the parking lots of top scenic spots in northern Taiwan. It turns out 384 questionnaires available for data analysis by SPSS21 software. The results indicate that the job stressors have a positive effect on the job stress outcomes and cognitive appraisal. Cognitive responses do help to alleviate the negative effects of work stress. The cognitive appraisal has a mediating effect between the job stressors and stress outcomes. Generally, the drivers have perceived a high degree of work pressure. However, they have devoted to driving profession. Regarding their pressure release modes, most of them are turning to self-adjustment or peer chitchat. Very few would look for assistance from social resources (such as medical care or counseling) or engage leisure activities. The finding suggests that the leisure education and life counseling are essential to drivers. A well-designed life and leisure education would be helpful to guide these stressful ones to deal with job stress more effectively. In turn, the effort would pay off to each safe journey. Finally, along with the conclusion the implications are presented, hopefully, to be useful for policy making or management strategy.