大衛・波珀爾(David Popper, 1843-1913)為十九世紀浪漫時期大提琴演奏家及作曲家,對當時大提琴技術發展與大提琴相關的各種類型樂曲創作有極大的貢獻,其影響之深遠,他的作品七十三《四十首練習曲》(High School of Cello Playing op.73)與許多樂曲仍然是現今技術訓練和演奏會的重要作品。本論文透過大衛・波珀爾作品五十《在森林裡》(In the Forest op.50),研究其創作手法及音樂風格特色。
David Popper (1843-1913) was a nineteenth century cellist in the romantic period. He made not only great contribution for the development of the cello playing, but also had considerable influence with the variety of his works. His High School of Cello Playing, Op. 73 and other repertoire are still important today for the cello repertoire. This thesis focuses on In the Forest a series of six pieces for cello and piano to analyze his compositional techniques.
By doing research into his life and the background of the history during that period, helping to understand more of the style of these characteristic pieces.
This thesis has four chapters: the first chapter includes the purpose of this study and the method for the research. The second chapter is to explain the background of the composition. The third chapter is the theoretical analysis of the music. The forth chapter is performance interpretation of these works.
Keywords: David Popper, In the Forest, Cellist in the Romantic period