國軍福利營站係國防部提供國軍官兵、榮民及眷屬一個安心、放心購買物美價廉日常用品之購物環境,以嘉惠軍、榮、眷,滿足其生活所需所設置,屬「國軍生產及服務作業基金」、「福利作業」。其營運雖非以營利為目的,但仍應以創造最高效益為原則,在自負盈虧的前提下,除應達成作業基金的設置目的外,更應以追求最高效益為原則,因此,如何有效利用現有資源,做最適當配置以強化經營績效,成為本研究探討之重要課題與目的。 資料包絡分析法(Data Envelopment Analysis;DEA)為近年廣泛應用於效率評估的研究方法,本研究針對非營業基金、效率定義、效率評估方法、影響經營效率之因素與相關產業效率評估方法進行文獻回顧,以期對效率評估做一有效的探討整理,並蒐集相關資料,挑選投入、產出項,以進行空軍營運中心所屬營站的經營效率評估,透過DEA效率值分析,提供有效的福利營站改善策略,以建議管理當局作為研擬經營管理策略的依循,藉由分析相對無效率福利營站之資源使用狀態,為相對無效率福利營站找到適當之學習對象。
The military Post Exchange play an important role that offer a cheap price of commodity and secure convenience to the military for shopping. It is believed "Defense Manufacturing and Service Operation Funds". The military Post Exchange is a self-supporting unit, he have to promote force of production and create the higher beneficent. How to enforce competitive advantage is a main subject of the study. The main goal of this research is to provide a measuring method to determine a suitable strategy for The military Post Exchange to operate its business. EDA provides additional information and find performance measures. The results of this study can be used to improve the quality efficiency and can be employed to development the quality policy.