本文主要為研究日本農村休閒遊憩區規劃之問題,首先就日本國內之休閒遊憩概 況做一概括性之分析, 並就政府之輔導,民間之配合及投資.... 等方面加以探討,另就休 閒遊憩之類型,資源利用之情況等加以調查研究。 並將日本與其他歐美各國之休閒遊憩做一比較,其結果顯示日本人之休閒遊憩時間仍有不足 ,休閒遊憩之據點太少,而休閒遊憩之費用則偏高。 就具體之事例觀察,日本之農村仍有甚多資源可以加以活用,以促進農村之繁榮。一般是利 用農業之生產環境及農產品等資源, 其他之人文資源如: 歷史文物、傳統技藝、民俗文化 ....等亦為良好之遊憩資源。 就整個而言,只要能好好善加利用農村之有效資源,對於振興農村仍可達到相當良好之效果 。
In this study, the leisure and recreation planning problems in rural place of Japan are concerned, the general conditions of domestic leisure and recreation were surveyed, and the programs which the government provide some aids on the investments made by the private institutions were also discussed. The categories or types of leisure and recreation, the ways how the resources being used were also investigated. The data in case of Japan were compared with that of other countries in Europe and America. The results showed that the leisure time is shorter, the spots for recreation were less, and the travelling expense is higher in Japan than in other countries. In fact, there are still many resources in Japan which can be used for leisure and recreation projects, in doing so, it would result in the prosperity of rural villages. The agricultural products and the producing process or environment itself could be the resources for leisure and recreation. Other humanic resources such as; historic relics, traditional articrafts, festivals, rural culture...etc. also can be used for recreation. Totally, if the available resources were utilized very effectively, it would be very helpful to the rural construction.