The R&D production model with intermediate inputs developed by Romer and Barro & Sala-i-Martin is applied in this paper to derive the effect of different tax policy mixes on economic growth. Various combinations of government subsidies, including direct subsidy and investment tax credit, and output taxes on final or intermediate product are treated under a balanced government budget condition. The effect of these tax-subsidy mixes are compared with the original market solution and the Pareto optimality state administered by a social planner. Major findings of these comparisoins are: (1) Preferential tax provisions for R&D investment will have positive effect on business R&D spending and economic growth. This holds in the case of lowering the tax rate, or increases the tax credit or rate of subsidy. (2) Optimal, or growth maximizing tax rate exists if tax break or direct subsidy is provided for intermediate product firms. No matter which firm, final output or intermediate input, is subject to tax. On the contrary, if subsidy is designed for final product producer, the optimal tax rate will be zero. (3) Direct subsidy will give a higher growth rate than investment tax credit. (4) A better than market solution state exists in a tax-intervened world if the output elasticity of intermediate input values about 1/2. (5) The Pareto optimal state can be achieved by the tax tools only if the output elasticity of intermediate input in the production of final goods happens to be very small.